Saturday, August 30, 2014

SS-Panzerbrigade Westfalen - Part II

My friend wants to attack me, using his British Paras, was thinking that when I need to defend, I'll use the Westfalen. This might be a list that could be used in tourney also, so I want to see what is good and what's not.

So this time, RT Panthers, no KT's, 105mm Arty, otherwise same list as I used versus US Rifles.
Veteran artillery for 135 points is a novelty for a German list.

Will do AAR this time.

SS-Panzerbrigade Westfalen HQ (p.67) -
 CinC Panzerfaust SMG, 2iC Panzerfaust SMG (60 pts)
- 2x Panzerschrek (50 pts)
- 4x Panzerfaust Trap (80 pts)

Ersatz SS-Aufklarungs Platoon (p.67) - Command Panzerfaust Rifle/MG, 6x Panzerfaust Rifle/MG (200 pts)
- Replace Command Panzerfaust Rifle/MG with Command Panzerfaust SMG (0 pts)

Ersatz SS-Aufklarungs Platoon (p.67) - Command Panzerfaust Rifle/MG, 6x Panzerfaust Rifle/MG (200 pts)
- Replace Command Panzerfaust Rifle/MG with Command Panzerfaust SMG (0 pts)

Ersatz SS-Machine-gun Platoon (p.68) - Command SMG, 2x MG42 HMG (60 pts)

Ersatz SS-Panzer Platoon (p.69) - Command Panzer III L or M, 3x Panzer III L or M (200 pts)
- Replace Panzer III L or M with Panzer III N (0 pts)
- Replace Panzer III L or M with Panzer III N (0 pts)
- Replace Panzer III L or M with Panzer IV G or H (15 pts)
- 4x Equip Panzer with Schurzen (20 pts)

508. Schwere Panzer Platoon (p.70) - Command Panther G, 3x Panther G (520 pts)

Veteran Volks Light Artillery Battery (p.75) - Command SMG, Staff, Observer Rifle, 3x 10.5cm leFH18/40 howitzer (135 pts)

Panzer Anti-Aircraft Gun Platoon (p.71) - Command Ostwind, Ostwind (105 pts)

1645 Points, 7 Platoons

Edit- Might 'upgrade' 1 Panther for Tiger for 5 points, so 1650. 40" range and protected ammo, might be good to have.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Flames of War - the game, wth is it?

So, a friend of mine checked this blog and was dumbfounded about what is it all about. I realized that all the content here must be absolute gibberish to someone who isn't initiated in to the game.

So for all who don't know what the game or this blog is about, here are quick facts:

The game is a tactical, company-level wargame, that is played utilizing miniatures, in a scale of 1:100 or 15mm for the height of a man.

Game is usually played on a 6' by 4' table, 180cm x 120cm for metric people.

Infantry is usually depicted as platoons consisting of:
1 command team, 2-3 figures on a small base
2-3 squads, further divided into 2-3 sections each having 4-5 figures on a medium base

Support weapon platoons are pretty similar, with gun teams as sections.

Vehicles are organized into platoons as well (Soviets into companies), with 2-5 tank models each.

Generally the game is played with agreed point-levels, where each unit adds up to the total, until you reach the agreed level,

Tank company at 1650 points, might have around 10-15 tanks, some recon cars and possible artillery or infantry option.

Infantry company could f.ex have 2-3 platoons of infantry, some Anti-tank guns, artillery, tank platoon, tank destroyers.

The points are based on stats,
 the training level (Conscript, Trained, Veteran), which dictates how easily your units get hit, dig in, hit enemy on assaults and succeeds in other skill rolls as well.
morale level (Reluctant, Confident, Fearless)- this dictates your units will to fight, and is used in seeing if they have the guts to assault tanks, or how easily they get back to action after being pinned or bailed-out from a tank. It's also used when seeing if they break and flee the field, after suffering more than 50% casualties.

The game is usually played using the scenarios published by the Battlefront. Will go back to that in another post.

Monday, August 18, 2014

20k views! Thank you all. ETC, 4Ground

When I started this blog I didn't think it would ever fly at all. It's a fringe hobby and the Finnish audience is very limited, compared to Warhammeresque gaming.

Finland went to ETC and was voted as the most favoured opponent, wonder if that would've been possible with me over there :) Anyways, good show for the team, while the place in the ladder was lower than in last couple of years. We are not as organized, and tend to be wary of authorities when it comes to spending our leisure time, to have dictator making our lists optimized as some of the better placed teams out there.

Next year ETC will be EW, so we'll see what comes out of that, I'm not certain of attending the team, but we'll see.

I have continued building terrain for my garage table, and these are the last acquisitions from 4Ground.

 I found them pretty straightforward to build, but had my moments of pain and doubt with some of the roofs.
Next I'll continue shooting myself in the foot by building hedgerows, so my Brit Para and US infantry regulars can have better time against my panzers/mechs :)

I'll try to be bit more active with the blog in the future.

Thanks all,

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