Thursday, January 28, 2016

Going Microarmor for modern wargaming - Heroics & Ros stuff, updated

Group picture, got advice to lighten the colors, which I did..

Decided the newest BF venture doesn't look that good on table or wallet, so after seen the WWPD guys AAR with 6mm minis, I was sold.

Takes some time to get the idea how to paint these, and in reality nobody can see details from 1m range anyway. Here are some of mine US stuff, all from H&R. Will put more pics up in near future.

M2/M3 with first color added, no stats in team yankee yet.

M109, needs some work still. 

M1A1 (Will be proxy for all Abrams)

M901 ITV the hammerhead can be put to any length you want, it goes through. 

M163 Vulcan Aid Defense System

AH-1 Cobra, with rotor from Hurlbat , the stand is medium Dropzone commander stand.

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