Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Beginnings of Necromunda Gang

Nancy was furious, the muscles before brains were stalking her sisters and had harassed Becky last week. This was something that had happened too many times already and her position as Queen of Girls of old town required action. She took her gun from the shelf and left the 'headquarters' of the gang, beckoning Goldie and Wendy, her Matriarchs, to come to her. 'Girls, get everybody ready, we will get some tonight!'

She gave inquiring eye  to the nobles from House Ulanti, would be nice to have those rather unnerving women along, if only to have more targets for the hulking idiots to hate.


Goldie and Wendy

Molly with Grenade Launcher

Dallas and Gail - Sisters

Becky and Tammy

House Ulanti reps

Nike A Go Go - Death maiden (not in the starting lineup)

My gaming club decided to start Necromunda campaign few months ago, was interested but didn't really want to buy any more miniatures... So, I checked want I had, and asked guys if it's ok to use these, gathered few 40k weapons and off I went.

These are motley crew from Hasslefree and Zombicide mostly. But I think they should be okay to play with.  

Back in business.

Ok, work, family, being coach, takes time from hobbies. Haven't write anything in the blog since 2017, but thought to continue as I have more time and new games to play. 

While in lockdown, being one who has been working remotely a lot before, nothing changed by covid for me in that scope.

Since I quit Fow, haven't played really anything but one club Mordheim campaign with Druchi list from Broheim, maybe 5 games. 

Now it seems that the old guys want old games, so coming up is new warband for Mordheim, Disciples of Maldred is on the paint queue, this isn't probably the powerlist top10 but I really don't really want that either now.  

For Necromunda, I took look at what I had in miniatures horde, and decided that having quite many Hasslefree miniatures and lot of nasty, sexy zombicide killer queens, that Escher is the best and only option, lest I buy more, and really the unpainted lead mountain is high enough.

I'm going to eye hospital to get me some kind of new contact lenses, so hoping that doesn't mean that I need to paint everything again, when I see better.

Girls of the Old Town

Disciple of Maldred, the Duke, and his dupes.

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