Tuesday, April 2, 2013

1780 LW Cassino FJ vs. Harckocsizo Szazad

In order to practice a bit and also have a go at ETC-tournament qualifier lists, me and Aleksis played Encounter on a table with lots of terrain. The larger wooded areas were normal forests that block los and are difficult terrain, smaller woods provided concealment for all, hedges concealment for infantry only.

The lists were.

Cassino FJ

Hungarian Tanks

In order to practice a bit and also have a go at ETC-tournament qualifier lists, me and Aleksis played Encounter on a table with lots of terrain. The larger wooded areas were normal forests that block los and are difficult terrain, smaller woods provided concealment for all, hedges concealment for infantry only.

Harckocsizo Szazad
  • Harckocsize Szazadi HQ - 1x CinC Tiger I E (195 pts) - Ervin Tarczay(75 pts)
  • Harckocsizoi Platoon - 1x Command Tiger I E, 1x Tiger I E (390 pts)
  • Harckocsizoi Platoon - 1x Command Panther A, 1x Panther A (365 pts)
  • Light Harckocsizoi Platoon - 1x Command Toldi II, 3x Toldi II (155 pts)
  • 1x Upgrade Toldi II to Toldi IIa (5 pts)
  • Rohamagyus Platoon - 1x Command Zrinyi II, 2x Zrinyi II (225 pts)
  • Assault Pioneer Platoon - 1x Command Pioneer Rifle/MG, 9x Pioneer Rifle/MG (270 pts)
  • Command Panzerfaust SMG (10 pts)
  • 3x 15cm NW41 rocket launcher (85 pts) (CT)
Monte Cassino 1.fjd
  • Fallschirmjägerkompanie HQ - 2 Cmd SMG team 3 Panzerschreck team 3 8cm GW42 (Stummelwerfer) mortar
  • Fallschirmjäger Platoon - cmd/panzerknacker/smg, 9 rifle/mg teams
  • Fallschirmjäger Platoon - cmd/panzerknacker/smg, 9 rifle/mg teams
  • Fallschirmjäger Machine-gun Platoon- 4 Mg42s (Attached)
  • Fallschirmjäger Mortar Platoon - 2 8cm GW42
  • Assault Gun Platoon(Heer)- 4 StugIIIg
  • Fallschirmjäger Tank-hunter Platoon- 4 Marder II
  • 3x 15cm NW41 rocket launcher


The Map

Hungarian deployment

Harckocsizo Szazad
  • Light Harckocsizoi Platoon - 1x Command Toldi II, 3x Toldi II (155 pts)
  • 3x 15cm NW41 rocket launcher (85 pts) (CT)
  • Harckocsizoi Platoon - 1x Command Panther A, 1x Panther A (365 pts)
Monte Cassino 1.fjd
  • Fallschirmjäger Mortar Platoon - 2 8cm GW42
  • Fallschirmjäger Tank-hunter Platoon- 4 Marder II
  • 3x 15cm NW41 rocket launcher

Harckocsizo Szazad: The hungarians won the roll to choose side, and chose the left. The objectives were placed. And tyhe pioneers started on the far right, on the objective. The Zrinyi and tigers took the middle.
Monte Cassino 1.fjd: I made a mistake on setting my objective on the hungarians far right allowing for his few teams to control both... You live you learn, then again the hungarian's only target of offensive was the Toldi platoon snatching objective.


Turns 1-3

The Fj maneuver into the buildings while Stugs try to get the Zrinyi while avoiding the Tigers.
Stugs play cat and mouse with the tigers, the FJ platoon moves to town.

The Fj platoon moves forward, to cut the route of the tanks and to allow for assault in case the opportunity should arise.

Tigers get smoked every turn, Stugs get killed, Panther leader killed by nebs, marders arrive and help kill the Zrinyi.

Before they get killed by the combined fire from the Tigers and Nebs

The reserves arrive on the wrong side for the tanks. I forgot to take any more pictures as we were timing the game as well, on the last turn I managed to Kill 1 tiger, assault the second , which failed the roll to counteratack and ran away. Then I bombarded the Panther, shot it with a schreck, but all in vain. The total score was 3-2 for Hungarians, with the Stugs and Marders killed and Zrynyis on his side. All in all, would've been a better game had I put the objective on the far side, as the Hungarians stayed on the same spot for the whole game, and I really didn't have the possibility of attacking either objective. Had I put the objective elsewhere, I could've overloaded the defenders there, just didn't think it through, now I know and will be doing this differently the next time.

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  1. You learn more from a defeat than a victory.. Sounds like an interesting game thiugh


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