Thursday, June 12, 2014

Lessons from the Front 2015 September edition Flames of War FAQ -Complete with updates

Lessons From the Front


Questions and answers on Flames of war

Tank Escorts
Armored Train & Fortifications
US Rules
Tank Destroyers
German Rules
British Rules
Soviet Rules
Briefing Updates
Atlantik Wall
Bridge by Bridge
Blood, Guts & Glory
Burning Empires
Desperate Measures
Devil's Charge
Fortress Italy
Grey Wolf
Market Garden
Red Bear
Road to Rome
Bridge at Remagen
Rising Sun


How different do two tanks need to be to allow me to use the Gun Tank rule? 

The rules on page 96 give a number of examples. Are there any other types of differences that I can use to pick out a specific tank?

The rules on page 96 give pretty much all of the examples of things that can be used to pick out one tank from another using the Gun Tanks rule. There may be others in the future, but for now, that’s the list

Does Awkward Layout apply to a tank’s machine-guns or just its main gun?

Just the main gun. In recent books we have been indicating this by moving Awkward layout from the vehicle’s stat line to the gun’s stat line.

Should I use the new Version 3 rules or the rules in older books like Red Bear or Grey Wolf?
The Version 3 rules replace all rules of the same name in older books.

When will you be updating Arsenals to reflect the new rules like Breakthrough Gun and mortars being able to shoot as well as bombard?
The Know Your Enemy book includes a complete Late-war arsenal to update all Late-war books. There is an Early War Update and a Mid-war Arsenal on the website that does the same for those periods.

Does Version 3 make any existing books obsolete?
No. However, Soviet forces from Fortress Europe, Stalin’s Onslaught, Hammer and Sickle, River of Heroes, and Stalin’s Europe can no longer be used for tournament play
due to the changes in the Soviet Hen and Chicks special rule.

Options for a platoon marked ‘All’ and ‘Any or all’ are clear as to which teams may have the option. What about options that don’t say either? Does that mean ‘all or none’, or does it mean ‘any or all’?
Unless it says any or all, an option is an all or none affair. You must take that
option for all the relevant teams or for none of them.


How many machine-guns should be modelled on a Motorcycle Reconnaissance team?
That depends on the type of team.
• A Motorcycle Rifle team or Motorcycle SMG team does not have any ma- chine-guns. The crew rely entirely on their personnel weapons.
• A Motorcycle Rifle/MG team has one machine-gun for each two teams, so one in four motorcycle combinations would have a machine-gun. The other three motorcycles just have their rifles.
• A Motorcycle MG team has one machine-gun for each team, so one in two motorcycle combinations have a machine-gun.
Solo Motorcycle teams have four one-man motorcycles rather than two motorcy- cle and sidecar combinations, but the armament by team remains the same, so a Solo Motorcycle Rifle/MG team would have one machine-gun for every two teams, giving one team a machine-gun motorcycle and three rifle-armed ones, and the other team just four rifle-armed motorcycles.

How are Flame-thrower teams based?
Flame-thrower teams are based identically to the teams that they are replacing. Most players simply mount flame-throwers on the normal bases replacing one figure on the base. On the rare occasions in which they don’t want flame-throwers, they tell their opponents that the platoon doesn’t have any flame-throwers. As to why the team still has four or five soldiers, simple - flame-throwers were almost always given an escort of riflemen to make sure they got safely to their target and to escort the valuable weapon back once it was used. The exception to this is Soviet Flamethrower teams. The Red Army grouped its flame-throwers into specialist platoons,  companies, and even battalions with almost every soldier armed with a flamethrower. These teams are made up entirely of flame-thrower figures.

Should the German 7.5cm PaK40 and British OQF 25 pdr guns be based on medium or large bases?
The 7.5cm PaK40 has four gunners, so by the rules it is based on a medium base. Because it only fits on a medium base with a bit of a squeeze, it is sold with a large base, in line with the note Teams That Don’t Fit on page 12. However, if a player decided that they could fit the 7.5cm PaK40 on a medium base, then there is no problem with that option either.
The British OQF 25 pdr gun has five gunners (one is sitting on the gunners seat and firing the gun, making him hard to see in the silhouette), so is based on a large base.

How should the French 20mm antiaircraft guns in Blitzkrieg and Burning Empires be based?
One of the gunners is missing from the diagram. The French 20mm mle 1939 and 20mm Breda anti-aircraft guns should have four crew and are based on medium bases.


My opponent is claiming that my team cannot see their team, yet neither team has moved and his team shot at me last turn. Is this possible?
No. The basic rule is that if I can see you, then you can see me. This always applies, no matter what.

Does all Area Terrain provide Concealment?
No. As with any Terrain, Area Terrain needs to be at least half as high as the teams in to provide any Concealment Terrain at all. If the team is at least half in the terrain, it is Concealed.
If a team is at the edge of Area Terrain that is at least half as high as it, then it is Concealed to all teams looking at it. If a team is entirely in the terrain, then the terrain affects both it and any teams it is looking at. If the Area Terrain is taller than both teams, they can’t see each other unless they are within 6”/15 cm. If it is shorter, then either, then a team in the terrain is Concealed. So a Road, which is Area Terrain, is not going to conceal anything. A wood on the other hand will conceal anything on the edge of it and block sight to or from anything in it. A field of standing crops will conceal teams if it is half their height, acts as a wood if it is taller than both teams, and if it is less than half as high as the teams in it, as a field of turnips would be, does nothing at all. As always, it’s a good idea to discuss the terrain with your opponent before the game to make sure that you agree on how each piece should be played.

I have two tanks, one straddling the edge of a wood and one outside of the wood beside it. The enemy has two tank-hunter teams, one in the woods and one on the far side of the wood. Which of my tanks can they see? 
The tank-hunter inside the wood can see both of your tanks, as long as it is within 6”/15cm. The tank hunter on the far side of the wood can see your tank that is partly in the wood if it is within 6”/15cm, but not the one on the far side.

Why do crop fields slow vehicles down? 
If they are standing crops, vehicles need to slow down if they don’t want to encounter a nasty surprise like a drainage ditch or a Molotov Cocktail unawares. If it is ploughed field or the likes, then the assumption is that the reason it isshown on the table is because it is freshly ploughed and both soft ground and very bumpy. 

Do Wheeled Vehicles move at Road speed in the desert? 
That depends on how you classify the terrain on your table. In the Terrain Summary on page 30 of the rulebook, Firm Sand is given as Cross-country Terrain. Hellfire and Back defines an additional terrain type of Flat Hard Desert that is rated as Road. You can define your table to be either of these, or to have patches of both types of terrain.


Can a team that Unlimbered on the spot using the Crash Action rule Dig In?
No. It takes the entire Movement Step to Dig In, so they cannot Unlimber, even if it does not count as moving.

A team that Bogs Down while entering Area Terrain stops halfway into the terrain. When they Free themselves are they still in the terrain and do they need to take a Bogging Check to get back out?
The intent of the ‘half-way into the terrain’ part of the rule is to make it clear whether or not the Bogged Down team is Concealed. It seems odd for the vehicle to bog down instantly on touching the terrain, so it makes more sense for it to get far enough into the terrain to be concealed before bogging down.The assumption is that the Freeing Bogged Vehicles roll involved the vehicle freeing itself from the terrain and reversing back out the way it came. It can then drive off, or go forward into the terrain again.

Is rotation on the spot movement, or can a team do that without moving?
Any movement in the Movement Step is movement. On the other hand, teams are required to rotate to face their target in the Shooting Step and this is not movement.

Can a team that cannot shoot if it moves shoot in the turn it Digs In?
No. Teams that Dug In shoot as if they moved.

If the whole platoon moves off the table, does the platoon still need to make make a Skill Test to avoid being Destroyed?
Yes it does. Basically retreating under fire is a tricky business and easily turns into a rout.

Is the British Matador tractor rated as Slow Wheeled? 
No, it is just used as a picture of a large truck in the example. 

What speed does a Cavalry Wagon move at? 
It is a Wagon, so moves at the Wagons rate. 


If my infantry move At the Double to Mount their Transports, can the Transports shoot or 
assault afterwards?
No. In effect, the Transport teams have moved At the Double, even if they did not move at all.
How does a half-track or truck that was Sent to the Rear manage to follow their infantry through really bad terrain to arrive on the other side when they are Brought Forward again.
Most terrain is trafficable given time (and a little spade work), so presumably the infantry went ahead checking for enemy and scouting out and preparing routes for the following vehicles. As the vehicles 
were irrelevant to the game until they were needed, they simply aren’t shown, despite in this case, presumably working their way forward behind the infantry. 

Can I use the Send Transports to the Rear rule with things like Pioneer Supply Vehicles, Ammo Carriers, and the like? 
Yes you may. You do not have to (otherwise they would always be sent to the rear immediately as they have no Passengers), but you may if you want to.

I have an anti-tank gun that is being towed by a half-track. During the Movement Step, the half-track Bogs Down. In the next Starting Step, the half-track fails to Free itself, remaining Bogged Down. During the Movement Step, the gun Unlimbers and the halftrack is Sent to the Rear. Is the gun Bogged Down? 
It will still need to take a Bogging Check if it moves other than rotating on the spot, but it is not automatically Bogged Down just because the Transport towing it was.

If I am shooting at a Gun team being towed by a Transport team, both are considered the Transport team when shot at. Is this just the actual model of the gun, or the whole Gun team that becomes part of the Transport team? 
The whole Gun team, including its base, is now part of the Transport team. 

Can a Man-packed Gun use the Crash Action rule and shoot at full ROF when it Dismounts?
Yes. Any sort of Gun team can use the Crash Action rule.

If a gun unlimbers after movement using the Horse Artillery special rule, do they fire at their full ROF using the Crash Action rule? 

A Portee can Dismount its gun and Send the truck to the Rear. It can then Bring the truck Forward in a later turn and Mount. Can it shoot in the turn that it Mounted?
No. The rules for Bring Transports Forward state that you cannot shoot in the turn that you do this. A Portee is not a Transport team, but it does use these rules to Bring its truck Forward.

If a platoon being carried as Passengers in Armoured Transport teams is Pinned Down, are they still Pinned Down when they Dismount?
Yes. While being Pinned Down may not have much effect on the armoured vehicles, the infantry inside are still very aware of the amount of fire hitting their vehicles. They are Pinned Down and hit the dirt when they Dismount.

Why do Armoured Transports get a chance to remount after being Bailed Out?
If the transport remained Bailed Out, you would have the odd spectacle of the infantry jumping out and running along after the rest of the platoon’s halftracks, until their own half-track finally catches up.In Version 3, either all of the half-tracks leave and the infantry dismounts, or the Bailed Out half-track carries on with the rest of the platoon. 

Why do different types of incoming fire have different effects on platoons with Armoured Transport teams?
Because in reality, transports respond differently to different types of attack as explained below.
If an Armoured Transport team is Destroyed or Bailed Out by shooting, the platoon (including German platoons with Mounted Assault) must take a Motivation Test. If it passes, all Bailed Out Transport teams Remount, otherwise all of them Sent to the Rear and the Passengers must Dismount Under Fire.
The reason for this is that the transports are under aimed fire and are likely to bug out rather than hang around and die. Their passengers get left to fight. If they win, the transports can come back again. If an Armoured Transport team is Bailed Out by Artillery or by Aircraft, it immediately Remounts and the Transports are not Sent to the Rear.

Armoured transports are designed for moving troops up through shelled areas. If they survive the bombardment, they keep moving away from the danger zone. In the case of aircraft, the attack happens quickly and the surviving vehicles sort themselves out and drive on.


Can a 2iC, Company, or Higher Command team appoint a new Command team to an Allied platoon?
No. They do not have the authority to do so. They must be able to Join the platoon to do so. 

Some Warriors’ special rules take effect when they are ‘leading’ a platoon. As they do not take over from the Platoon Command team, do they have to wait for the Platoon Command team to die before they can ‘lead’? 
No. They may not be the Platoon Command team, but they still ‘lead’ any platoon that


Are Man-packed Anti-aircraft Guns able to be Concealed in the Open?
No. As with Digging In, they are too big to conceal in the open.

Do the Hit Allocation rules apply to Smoke Ammunition?
Yes they do. The only difference with Smoke Ammunition is that the shooting player picks the teams that were hit.

Some Self-defence Anti-aircraft like the Sd Kfz 251/17 and Sd Kfz 251/21 weapons have an unusually high rate of fire. Should they still have ROF 1 when shooting at Aircraft?
No. These two vehicles have can fire at full ROF against Aircraft

Can a Panzerfaust which has a rule preventing it from moving and shooting, shoot and then assault?

No. If it moved, it cannot shoot. If it wants to assault, it must shoot as if it has moved.

Does the 1”/2.5cm gap needed to shoot between two teams or a team and terrain have to be perpendicular to the line between the shooter and the target?
No. While that might be more accurate to require a 1”/2.5cm wide corridor from shooter to target, this is hard to measure. To keep things simple we just require a gap of 1”/2.5cm between the two. However, as with everything common sense and reasonableness go a long way here. The rule only provides an absolute minimum requirement. If the shot looks improbable, you probably shouldn’t take it.

Do Infantry teams need to rotate to face their targets when shooting as they have an all-round field of fire?
Yes they do.

If I have two guns side by side and need to rotate them to face the target, but cannot as their bases would overlap, what do I do? 
They cannot shoot as they cannot rotate to face the target. The best way to avoid this is to either deploy them further apart or move them apart in the movement step, thereby giving them room to rotate.

If I have a Gun team with a Turntable in Very Difficult Going (it was Deployed there). Do they rotate to face their target when shooting?
Yes they do. Normally Gun teams cannot rotate in Very Difficult Going, so must engage targets in front of them. A Gun team with a Turntable has an all-round Field of Fire, so can shoot in any direction, so it makes sense to rotate the model to point at the target.

Does the + to hit penalty apply to all teams that are Gone to Ground, or do they have to be Concealed as well?
They have to be Concealed as well to be harder to hit.

Why can teams be Gone to Ground in the open? What is the benefit from doing so?
Being Gone to Ground implies taking cover, camouflaging equipment with nets and branches, and spreading out. There is no need to be in Concealing terrain to do these things. There are two reasons why one would do this in the open. The first is simply that you might be Concealed from some directions and not others. Take the case of an anti-tank gun hiding behind a hedge. It wants to Go to Ground so the tanks advancing from its front won’t see it. All good so far. Now, there just happens to be a scout car sitting on a hill along the table that can see behind the hedge, so the anti-tank gun isn’t Concealed from it, in fact it appears to be in the open.

The question is, can the anti-tank gun Go to Ground since it isn’t Concealed (or more specifically is only Concealed from some of the enemy)?
The answer is of course, yes, it can Go to Ground. The only question is the extent to which it will benefit from doing so. The second reason is that spreading out makes the gun’s crew harder to knock out, so even though they aren’t any harder to hit for the scout car, they still get their 3+ Save for being Gone to Ground.

I am shooting at a mixed platoon of Gun teams and Infantry teams. I want to use the Priority Target rule to pick out the Gun teams, but they are all more that 6”/40cm or Gone to Ground, while the Infantry teams are within 6”/40cm and not Gone to Ground. Can I allocate the hits to the Gun teams first, or do the normal hit allocation rules take precedence?
You must allocate hits to the Infantry teams first. The Shooting at Mixed Platoons rule is subject to the previous hit allocation rules. These state that teams that are within 16”/40cm or not Gone to Ground must be allocated the hits first.

If I’m shooting weapons with two different Firepower ratings at a mixed platoon, the hits on the Priority Target have to be from the weapons with the best Firepower. Does this mean that all hits from the weapons with the best Firepower have to be allocated to the Priority Targets?

No. Just that whatever hits are allocated to them must be those with the best Firepower.

How different do two tanks need to be to allow me to use the Gun Tank rule? 
The rules on page 96 give a number of examples. 

Are there any other types of differences that I can use to pick out a specific tank? The rules on page 96 give pretty much all of the examples of things that can be used to pick out one tank from another using the Gun Tanks rule. There may be others in the future, but for now, that’s the list. 

Can I use the Gun Tank rule to distinguish a tank with Bedspring Armour from one without? 
Bedspring Armour is effectively the same as Schürzen. Since Schürzen can be distinguished with the Gun Tank rule, So can Bedspring Armour

Can I shoot my tanks’ machine-guns at a platoon with a M4A3E2 Jumbo tank along with my main guns so that the player has to allocate a machine-gun hit to the Jumbo, saving the main gun hits for the other tanks?

If you run into a situation where this problem rears its head for some reason, the best idea is to start by allocating the main gun hits. Once they have been allocated, move on to the machine-gun hits and allocate them (taking into account the hits that have already been allocated). As an example, if a Jumbo and a Sherman tank were hit once by a main gun and twice by machine-guns, the US player would declare that they are using the Jumbos Lead the Way rule for the main gun hits. That would mean the main gun hit was given to the Jumbo as it has the lowest armor (for this purpose). The machine-gun hits are now allocated. The first has to go to the Sherman since the Jumbo already has a hit. The second goes on the Jumbo again since it has the lowest armour.

If I hit a Transport team three times and each hit results in the team being Destroyed, how many Passenger Saves do the Passengers need to take?

One save for each Destroyed result.

Is a Warrior mounted in a Transport team a Warrior Transport team getting a 3+ save?

No. Warrior Transport teams are Warriors like Charles De Gaulle in Blitzkrieg that are Transport teams, not Warriors mounted in Transport teams.

If I hit a Warrior team three times and each hit results in the team being Destroyed, how many rolls do I make using the Warrior Casualties rule?
One for each Destroyed result. Resolve each in turn until the Warrior is Destroyed or has survived.

Does a wrecked tank provide Bulletproof Cover to all teams behind it or just one immediately behind it? 
As the rules say, a team behind a wreck must be adjacent to it to be in Bulletproof Cover.

If a tank with Limited Vision travels in reverse, what direction does its turret face? 
It rotates to point straight ahead, to the front of the vehicle, not in the direction of travel. 

Are Snipers available to all Infantry Companies, or only those that have the option? 
Only those that have the option for them in the Company HQ. The blanket rule in the old rules was to carry us through until we could update briefings to specify which companies should and should not have snipers.


Can I fire an Artillery Bombardment after Digging In the Movement Step? 
Yes. While teams that Dig In shoot as if they are moving, they can still fire an Artillery Bombardment. Artillery batteries are actually company sized unit and can survey the gun positions and calculate the firing solution while the guns are being Dug In, then fire the bombardment. 

Does the Mixed Bombardment rule allow me to fire a joint Artillery Bombardment with whatever artillery I choose to combine? 
No. The rule states what happens if you do fire a mixed bombardment, but does not automatically allow you to do so. You need a special rule like the US Hit ‘em With Everything You’ve Got or the British Combined Bombardment rules to actually be able to do so.

Can a tank with two artillery weapons (such as a Churchill II CS with two OQF 3” CS howitzers) fire both weapons in an Artillery Bombardment?
Yes it can.


Does the Fire in the Sky rule (the one that lets artillery range in on rocket launchers that fired) still operate at night?
Yes. The rocket motors and the smoke are still visible in the darkness.

Some Rocket Launcher batteries (such as the US Calliope Tank Platoon) have rules that require each weapon to take a Skill Test to fire unless it has a Full Salvo marker. Can I roll to see how many weapons will fire before I choose the Aiming Point for the Bombardment?
No. You must choose the target before you roll. Basically, you rushed the loading and ordered them to fire on the chosen target with what was available.

A Rocket Launcher battery only regains its Full Salvo marker after firing if it does not fire for a turn. Can a player roll to see how many weapons will fire, then decide whether to fire the Bombardment or regain the Full Salvo marker?
No. You must fire the Bombardment with whichever weapons that passed their Skill Test.
Does the platoon regain its Full Salvo marker if it attempts to fire an Artillery Bombardment, but every weapon fails its Skill Test?
Yes it does. The platoon was able to fire a Bombardment, but did not, so it regains its Full Salvo marker.

Air Observation Posts

Is an Air Observation Post a Team or an Aircraft?
It is neither. It’s rules on page 139 state when it acts like a Team, and when it acts like an Aircraft. For all other purposes it is neither.

When can an Air Observation Post Spot for an artillery battery?
An Air Observation Post can Spot for an artillery battery any time any other type of Observer team could.

Where on the model does an Air Observation Post Spot from?
It must have a Line Of Sight from the Cockpit to be able to Spot for an Artillery Bombardment.

When does an Anti-aircraft weapon fire at an enemy Air Observation Post?
Anti-aircraft weapons Conduct Antiaircraft Fire at Aircraft after all other Shooting, but immediately before Aircraft make their attack. If there are no Aircraft attacking, then they do it at the end of the Shooting Step.

Can I Conduct Anti-aircraft Fire at enemy Aircraft in the same Step as I Conduct Anti-aircraft Fire at an enemy Air Observation Post?
No. You need to choose which you are shooting at: the enemy Air Observation Post or the enemy Aircraft.

Where can an Air Observation Post be placed?
An Air Observation Post may be placed anywhere that its flight stand can fit on the table, but may not be placed so that it’s flight stand overlaps any team or Linear Obstacle, and the center of the flight stand must not be in, on, or within 2”/5 cm of a wood or building. 

Does an Air Observation Post limit where the enemy can place Ambushes?
No, not unless they are using the Column Security special rule.

If an Air Observation Post is across the halfway line in a No Retreat or similar mission, is this enough to stop the game ending with a defender victory?

No. An Air Observation Post across the halfway line will not prolong the game, so the defender has won.


Can my Company Command team (or some other Warrior) Join the 2iC Command team (or some other Warrior) rather than a Pinned Down platoon to avoid being Pinned Down for Defensive Fire?
No. They must Join a proper platoon if they can. If that means that they are Pinned Down, then they are Pinned Down. 

Teams have to shoot as if they moved in order to assault. Do they actually have to move? If they are in Difficult Going, for instance, do they have to take a Bogging Check in the Movement Step?
No, they don’t actually have to move, and if they don’t move, they don’t need to take a Bogging Check. The assaulting team shoots as if they are moving to reflect the short time they have to fire and their movement into the assault.

Can a ROF 1  weapon shoot and then assault?
Yes. As long as it shoots as if it moved (whether it did or not), it can Charge into Contact.

The rules allow hits from turretmounted guns to be applied to Infantry teams in Defensive Fire. Does this include anti-aircraft guns? 
Since every anti-aircraft gun mounted on a tank is turret mounted, then yes it does.

If a platoon only takes one hit in Defensive Fire, but that hit causes it to be Pinned Down (say from a Sniper), does the platoon have to Fall Back? 
No. It takes five hits from Defensive Fire to force a platoon to Fall Back. Being Pinned Down or not is irrelevant. 

The opponent assaulted three of my platoons at the same time, two British platoons and an Australian platoon that the Company Command team has Joined. All of the platoons are eligible for re-rolls of their Motivation tests to Counterattack (either from British Bulldog or from the Company Command team). If I fail the first Motivation Test, do I re-roll the Motivation Test once for all platoons? 
You re-roll the Motivation test once for each reason for the re-roll. So in this case, the British platoons have British Bulldog, so they get a re-roll. You reroll the Motivation Test for all of the platoons with British Bulldog and apply the resulting roll to all of them. If one of the platoons was Reluctant and the other Confident, the Confident one could pass on the first roll while the Reluctant one fails. In this case the re-roll only applies to the Reluctant one. Similarly, both could fail on the first roll, but only the Confident one on the re-roll, with the Reluctant platoon failing and Breaking Off. The Company Command team also gives the Australian platoon a re-roll. Roll this and apply it to the Australian platoon (the only platoon it affects).

In an on-going assault, my opponent’s teams have moved forward in successive Charges into Contact as they Counterattacked. This has brought them within 8”/20cm of teams in a Defending platoon that were previously more than 8”/20cm away. When my platoon Counterattacks, can the teams that are now within 8”/20cm Counterattack? 

Yes. These teams must now either Counterattack or elect to become Nonassaulting teams. If they become Non-assaulting teams, they cannot Charge into Contact in later Counterattacks. It is also possible for the reverse to happen with teams that were previously involved in a Counterattack now finding themselves outside 8”/20cm from the enemy and therefore unable to Charge into Contact.

Can Counterattacks bring other platoons into the Assault? 

No. Teams cannot move within 2”/5cm of teams from platoons not involved in the assault, and these platoons take no part in the assault.

Does a Company Command team that has Joined a Defending platoon need to be within 8”/20cm of an Assaulting team to give it a re-roll on a failed Motivation Test to Counterattack?

No. They just have to Join the platoon.

Does a team need to move to Counterattack if it isn’t already in contact with an enemy team?

In most circumstances, the answer is yes. If the team doesn’t want to move into contact with the enemy, it can stay where it is and become a Non-assaulting team, but this puts them out of the fight unless the enemy charges them. There are two main exceptions to this: Guns Counterattacking and Sit Tight in Bulletproof Cover. Gun teams cannot move to Counterattack, so it is not uncommon for them to have no enemy within 2”/5cm when they Counterattack, and thus for them not to get to roll to hit.

The Sit Tight in Bulletproof Cover rule was specifically written for situations like infantry defending buildings against tanks. This prevents the infantry from having to run out into the street (meaning the tanks wouldn’t need to take Skill Tests for assaulting buildings) or abandon their buildings. With this rule, they can sit tight and wait for the tanks to come at them again. If the enemy is more than 2”/5 cm from them, they don’t roll to hit, but as long as someone is within 4”/10 cm of the enemy, the enemy hasn’t won and needs to Counterattack or Break Off.


A platoon that has more teams Destroyed than currently still fighting has to take a Platoon Morale Check when a team is Destroyed or forced to Bail Out. If a team is Bailed Out then suffers another Bail Out result, but passes the Motivation Test to be Destroyed, does the platoon need to take a Platoon Morale Check? 
Yes it does. Although the team suffered no additional effect from the hit, the hit did inflict a Bail Out result on the platoon.


In addition, Line of Sight from Aircraft is measured from the cockpit. 

Line of Sight to Aircraft is measured to any part of the Aircraft.

I have Air Support in my force. Does this count as a platoon for things like Reserves and Company Morale Checks?
No. Aircraft are not a platoon.

The rules for aircraft measuring ranges to and from the aircraft model. What height of stand should I use? 
You should use the stand supplied by Battlefront with the aircraft. Battlefront’s current stands are 60mm (2.36”) tall. 

Does the Safety Distance rule force an Aircraft to abort if it is within 16”/40cm of an AOP?
Yes. An AOP is a team, and as such limits air strikes in its vicinity.


Can a Transport team use the Eyes and Ears rule?
No they can’t.

Can passengers in a Transport team use the Eyes and Ears rule?
Yes they can.

If a Recce team uses the Eyes and Ears rule to reveal a Gun team that was Gone to Ground, does the Gun team still have its 3+ save?
No. It is no longer Gone to Ground, so does not get the improved save for being so.

If a team is attached to a Reconnaissance Platoon, does it become a Recce team? 
No. Teams cannot gain special rules by being attached to another platoon. 

If I have a Recce Transport team carrying a Passenger that was hit, what saves do I take? 
The Recce Transport team takes a 3+ save for being an Unarmoured Recce vehicle, while the Passenger takes a 5+ save for being a Passenger. This combination occurs in a number of older Intelligence Briefings, but will be replaced with Motorcycle Reconnaissance teams in future editions.

If a Recce team is moving in the open, is it still Gone to Ground because of the Cautious Movement rule?
Yes it is. However, if a team is Gone to Ground, this only gives a penalty to teams shooting at it if it is also Concealed from them. If it was a Gun team, it would still have the 3+ save for being Gone to Ground though

Tank Escorts

Does a platoon of tanks with Tank Escorts need to contact the enemy to launch an assault? 
The first thing to remember is that it is the Tank teams that are assaulting. The Tank Escorts don’t actually exist as separate teams, they are just a special rule of the Tank teams. A platoon needs to be capable of contacting the enemy to launch an assault, and the assault takes place, even if the assault falls short for any reason, such as the tanks all Bogging Down before contacting the defenders. The Tank Escorts rules allow the Tank teams to voluntarily stop before entering Rough Terrain to avoid the risk of Bogging Down. This can also result in no teams actually contacting the defenders, but the assault still continues with the defenders conducting Defensive Fire at the tanks. The Tank team always rolls to hit with its Tank Escorts, even if the Tank team itself cannot. So when it comes time for the Tank teams to roll to hit, they do not since they did not take the Bogging Check to assault, but they can still make their extra Tank Escort roll to hit. 

So can a Half-tracked Tank team with Tank Escorts assault into a building? A half-track cannot enter a building, but does this stop the Tank Escorts?

Yes they can. The half-track can’t enter the building, but it doesn’t need to for the Tank Escorts to assault into it.

To do so, the half-track moves within 2”/5cm of the building and uses its Tank Escorts to assault. It does not roll to hit itself. Remember, at least one team needs to have been able to contact the building for the Charge into Contact to be made.

Can a Tank team with Tank Escorts still shoot with them when it is Bogged Down or Bailed Out? 
Yes they can.

The Tank Escorts summary includes a limitation on Tank Escorts shooting if the Tank team moves, but this is not in the rules. Which is right? 
The rule is always the place to go. The summaries are only there for reference. 


When Infantry and Gun teams Break Off from Cavalry, they are ridden down and Destroyed if they are within 8”/20cm and not in or behind terrain. What about if they are behind a Barbed Wire Entanglement or similar fortification? 

Obstacles like Barbed Wire Entanglements, Minefields, and Antitank Obstacles prevent troops from being ridden down in the same way that linear terrain does.

Armored Trains

If an Artillery Car has two turrets, can they both fire at full ROF?
Yes. They can both shoot at their full ROF, even when they are moving.

If you shoot through an enemy armoured train at a unit on the far side, it is Concealed. Would it also be Concealed if you were Spotting through the armoured train?

Yes it would.

Can Armoured Trains move At the Double? Can they shoot if they do so?

Yes. Like any team, an Armoured Train can move At the Double, and like any team moving At the Double, it cannot shoot if it does so.


If I have a Fortified Company and form an HQ Weapons Platoon, is it a Fortified Company?
If the Company HQ that it was formed from was a Fortified Platoon, then the HQ Weapons Platoon is also a Fortified Platoon.

If I destroy a Bunker that I was going to assault in the Shooting Step, can I still assault its position in the Assault Step? Would other Bunkers within 16”/40cm still get their defensive fire?
Yes you can still assault it using the Assaulting Abandoned Positions rule on page 150 of the rulebook. Since you are assaulting a Bunker (or the remains of one), other Bunkers within 16”/40cm will be able to Defensive Fire (Bunkers are the exception to the usual 8”/20cm range limit for Defensive Fire).

An AVRE can demolish an Obstacle with its Petard mortar. Can it gap a Minefield in this way?

Yes it can. The crews of AV’RE were trained Royal Engineer and were expected to dismount and clear obstacles on foot if they could not do so from inside of their vehicle. Rather than have two almost identical mechanisms for this, we combined both roles into the Petard’s Skill Test to clear obstacles.

What is the difference between a Tank Pit and a Turret Bunker?
None. They were different in the original printing of the rulebook, but this was changed in the reprint. See page 14 to 16 for the changes made in the reprint.

What happens if a team has a Booby Trap placed under it, but doesn’t attempt to move?
Nothing. The Booby Trap waits until they try to move.

If a Booby Trap is placed beneath a team which then tries to Dig In, does it set the Booby Trap off?
Yes it does.

If a Booby Trap is placed beneath a Transport team, does a Passenger team set it off if it Dismounts? 
The platoon would need to take a Motivation Test for the Passenger team to Dismount, but if it passed that, the Passengers would trigger the Booby Trap as the first team to move off or across it. 

Does an Observer team need to be within 16”/40cm of a Bunker’s Firing Slit in order to Spot for a Smoke Bombardment on it? 
No. It just needs to follow the usual rules when Spotting for an Artillery Bombardment. 

Can a player place mines all along the edge of the table blocking their opponent from coming onto the table? 
The only sensible way to handle this situation is to use the Nowhere to Arrive rule the same way as you would if the entry was blocked by troops. Simply push the obstacles back until there is enough room 
for the troops to arrive on table. 

What if they leave a small gap. Does the enemy have to arrive in the small gap? No. You cannot stop a team from arriving from Reserves anywhere it is allowed to do so. The team would simply push the Obstacles back enough to make space for itself

Can a team that has Cautious Movement be Gone to Ground while Gapping an Obstacle?
No. A team cannot be Gone to Ground if it wishes to Gap an Obstacle. It must give up that status as a prerequisite for the task.

Fortified Platoons cannot be placed within 6”/1 5cm of another Fortified Platoon or of either side table edge. Which are the side table edges? 
The side table edges are the edges that are on the sides when you are standing behind your Deployment Area looking at the enemy Deployment Area. In missions like Dust Up where you deploy in a corner, there won’t be any side table edges.

Why are Bunkers only Slow Going rather than Difficult or Very Difficult Going?
Purely for practicality and to avoid the need for lots of rules on placement and odd situations. For example, if a Bunker was Difficult Going, then it could be used to create a track through Very Difficult Going terrain. If Bunkers were Very Difficult Going, then there would need to be rules to stop them being used as Obstacles to physically block gaps in terrain.

Why can Infantry teams move through a Bunker? Shouldn’t they have to Destroy it first?
I don’t see why my Infantry should have to Destroy my Bunkers to be able to clamber over or through them! ;0: More seriously though, the normal movement rules prevent Infantry from moving within 2”/5cm of an enemy team unless they are assaulting it, so they can’t move through it until they Destroy it.

An AVRE can demolish an Obstacle with its Petard mortar. Can it gap a Minefield in this way?

No it cannot. It can only clear Obstacles that it can actually demolish.

US Rules

If I use the Hit ‘em with Everything You’ve Got rule to fire an Artillery Bombardment with platoons that have different Skill ratings, what is the Skill rating used to hit the target?
The Mixed Bombardment rule states that the combined platoon uses the lowest Skill rating of any battery participating.

What about the All Guns Repeat rule?
No, they can’t use that either, since not all platoons have a Staff team.

Do US Gun teams shooting as Rifle teams use the Automatic Rifles special rule? 
They use the Rifle team given in the Arsenal of their Intelligence Briefing, so yes, they would normally use the Automatic Rifles rule. 

Can I choose between a big Artillery Template or re-rolls after I find out whether I succeeded in using the Time On Target rule? 
No. You need to decide the size of Artillery Template you will use before attempting to Range In. 

If I use the Hit ‘em with Everything You’ve Got rule to fire an Artillery Bombardment with a Field Artillery Battery and a Mortar Platoon, can I use the Time On Target rule? 
No. Only platoons with a Staff team can use the Time On Target special rule. This means that every artillery platoon firing in the combined bombardment must have a Staff team (and therefore be able to use the Time On Target special rule) for the combined bombardment to be able to use the Time On Target special rule.

Tank Destroyers

Are Tank Destroyer Platoons ever Recce Platoons? 
No. The new Tank Destroyer rules changed them from being Recce Platoons to having a specific subset of Recce rules. What about HQ Platoons from Tank Destroyer Companies? They can be Recce Teams if so noted

Can Tank Destroyers be placed using the Tank Destroyer Section special rule within 12”/30cm and in Line of Sight of an AOP with the Column Security special rule?
Yes. The Column Security special rule applies to Ambushes, but the Tank Destroyer Section does not use the Ambushes rule. In fact, since an AOP is not a team, it does not limit Tank Destroyer placement at all. The Tank Destroyer special rules have been revised since the rulebook was printed. The revised rules are shown in the rulebook updates section (page 18) and completely replace the rules in the original rulebook.

If the Security Section of a Tank Destroyer Platoon is Pinned Down when the Tank Destroyers are revealed, is the Tank Destroyer Platoon still Pinned Down when the Security Section is removed?

Yes they are. The platoon is still Pinned Down.

When I place the Tank Destroyer Section, can I string them out to outflank the enemy?
To an extent you can. There are two relevant restrictions on placing the Tank Destroyer Section: they must be within Command Distance of a team from the Security Section, and be In Command when the Security Section is removed. The first part requires you to place every team close to the Security Section, so you cannot string them out with just one team near the Security Section. The second part means you have to keep the whole Tank Destroyer Section together as a platoon, so you cannot put half of the Tank Destroyer Section at one end of the Security Section and half at the other.

If I’m playing a mission with Prepared Positions, is my Towed Tank Destroyer Platoon Dug In when they are placed?
No. Since the Tank Destroyer Section moved to follow the Security Section, they are not Dug In when they are placed using the Tank Destroyer Section rule.

Can Tank Destroyers be placed using the Tank Destroyer Section special rule within 1 2”/30cm and in Line of Sight of an AOP with the Column Security special rule?
Yes. The Column Security special rule applies to Ambushes, but the Tank Destroyer Section does not use the Ambushes rule. The AOP is still a team and as such prevents the Tank Destroyers from being placed within 4”/10cm of it, or within 16”/40cm of it in the open.

What happens if the Security Section of a US Tank Destroyer Platoon is Destroyed, but there is no legal place for the Tank Destroyer Section to be placed? 
If the Security Section is Destroyed, the Tank Destroyer Section is placed around its Destroyed Command Team. If it cannot be placed there because the enemy is too close or for some other reason, then it cannot be placed and the platoon is Destroyed. 

If the Command team of the Security Section of a US Tank Destroyer Platoon is Destroyed and there are no other teams from the Section within Command Distance, what happens?
The Security Section is now a Leaderless Platoon. The US player can take the opportunity to place the Tank Destroyer Section in their next turn. If they don’t do this and the remainder of the Security Section is Destroyed, they will not be able to place the Tank Destroyer Platoon (which will be Destroyed) as there is no Command team whose location they can use to place it.

If the Security Section of a US Tank Destroyer Platoon loses two out of three teams, does it need to take a Platoon Morale Check? 
No. The Tank Destroyer Section is still operational, so the Security Section does not need to take a Platoon Morale Check. The Tank Destroyer Section will only take a Platoon Morale Check when half of the teams from the Tank Destroyer Section itself are Destroyed (assuming none are Bailed Out or Bogged Down). 

German Rules

Can I make a Stormtroopers move after making a Spearhead move? 
No. It’s not the Assault Step. A Spearhead move doesn’t permit you to make any additional movement.

Can Warrior teams make Stormtroopers moves on their own, or do they need to Join a platoon to do so?
Since Warrior teams are platoons in their own right when they aren’t Joined to another platoon, they can make a Stormtroopers move.

Does the 2iC of a Tiger Company have a Tiger Ace skill?
Yes, he’s a Warrior from a Company HQ that has the Tiger Ace skill (assuming they are in a Tiger tank of course).

I have a platoon of Pioneer half-tracks with Stuka zu Fuss rocket launchers. Under the Stuka zu Fuss rule on page  245 of the rulebook, each half-track fires as a separate artillery battery.Who can Spot for the rocket launchers when they fire? Can one rocket launcher Spot for another? Can a Pioneer team Spot for one of the rocket launchers?

Spotters can be: a team firing the bombardment, their Command team, or their Staff team. Since the Pioneer half-tracks don’t have a Staff team, that leaves their Command team and the rocket launcher firing the bombardment. Other rocket launchers in the platoon aren’t firing the same bombardment, so they couldn’t spot for the rocket launcher firing the actual bombardment. Likewise, the pioneers can’t either.

Can a platoon with the Mounted Assault special rule launch an assault while Pinned Down? 
If all of the Infantry teams are mounted in armoured half-tracks, then yes. At that point in time the platoon consists entirely of Armoured Tank teams (some of which are carrying passengers). As a platoon consisting entirely of Armoured vehicles, the platoon is not affected by being Pinned Down. 

Mounted Assault Transport teams are treated as Tank teams while carrying Passengers. If a Mounted Assault Transport is carrying Passengers when it is Destroyed, does the platoon need to take a Motivation Test to avoid the remaining half-tracks being Sent to the Rear? 
Yes. Mounted Assault Transport teams are still Armoured Transport teams, otherwise the Passengers could not Dismount and the fate of the Passengers when the Transport was Destroyed would be unknown. When an Armoured Transport team is Destroyed by shooting, the platoon needs to take a Motivation Test to avoid the remaining half-tracks being Sent to the Rear. 

If a Mounted Assault Transport team has two Passenger teams, it has Tank Escorts. Can its Tank Escorts shoot, and if so, what is their ROF and Range? 
Yes it can. As with any Tank Escorts, their ROF is 1, and the Range is the normal Range of their weapons. Weapons that normally have a ROF of 1 would still add the usual +1 penalty to hit if the Tank team moved. Weapons like the Panzerfaust that cannot shoot if they move still cannot do so. A team shooting a Flame-thrower would still be subject to the usual restriction of a maximum movement of 6”/15 cm, and would be removed after firing. 

If a Mounted Assault Transport is carrying a Warrior, do the Warrior Tank team Casualties rule apply? 
No. The Transport is not a Warrior. If the Transport is Destroyed, the Warrior has their normal Passenger Save and uses the Warrior Infantry Team Casualties rule. 

Platoon with the Mounted Assault special rule has teams attached from a platoon that does not have the Mounted Assault rule, do the attached teams gain the rule? 
No. Teams cannot gain a special rule by attaching to a platoon.

If a platoon with the Mounted Assault special rule loses all of its Infantry teams and is left with just transport teams, is it Destroyed?
Yes it is. A platoon with only Transport teams is automatically Destroyed.

If a platoon with the Mounted Assault special rule is reduced to one Infantry team mounted in a half-track, does it need to take a Sole Surviving Infantry Team test or does the fact that the Mounted Assault rule makes the halftrack a Tank team avoid this test?
It does need to take a Sole Surviving Infantry Team test since the platoon only consists of one Infantry team and Transport, even if it is masquerading as a Tank team.

If I take a Stormtroopers move with a tank, can I just rotate the turret without moving?
You can rotate the turret without moving the hull, but this still counts as movement (so would require a Bogging Check if the tank was in Difficult Going for instance). This is because the only reason for doing so in Flames Of Waris to present your armour in a different fashion to the enemy. In the game you can do this by simply rotating the turret, but in reality, it would require some degree of movement to be truly effective in achieving that goal.

Can I take the Platoon Command team out of a platoon and put it in the Kampfgruppe?
No. It is needed where it is to lead the platoon.

Can I form a Kampfgruppe of just the HQ Support Weapons and the 2iC Command team?
No. The Kampfgruppe must include at least one team from a Combat or Weapons Platoon.

British Rules

When does Mike target apply?
Can I use Mike target with a mortar platoon? Can i use Mike target if I attach close-support tanks to Artillery platoon?
The rules on this aren’t as clear as they should be. For an Artillery Bombardment to use the Mike Target special rule, it must be fired by an artillery battery with a Staff team. If the Artillery Bombardment combines several batteries into the same bombardment, it can also use the Mike Target rule as effectively each artillery
battery has a Staff team. If an artillery battery has additional weapons attached that don’t come from an artillery battery with a Staff team, it cannot use the Mike Target special rule.

If a British Field Battery, Royal Artillery deploys with one Gun Troop at each end of the table, can the Gun Troops without the Staff team still use the Staff team?
Only if it uses the Combined Bombardments rule to fire a Bombardment with the Gun Troop that does have the Staff team. If it was deployed within Command Distance of the Staff team, then both platoons could use their Staff team at the same time. 

Bagpipes give the 2iC Command team an extra save. In Version 3 the 2iC is a Warrior and gets the Warrior Infantry Team Casualties rule. How do these interact? 
Bagpipe teams are being changed in Know Your Enemy and more recent books so that they allow the 2iC team to use the Warrior Infantry Team Casualties rule on a roll of 5+ instead of the usual 4+. 

Under the old rules, Mid-war Royal Horse Artillery Batteries in Africa did not use the Mike Target special rule. Does this still apply?
Yes it does

Soviet Rules

When multiple companies with Komissar teams use their re-roll in an attempt to Counterattack, do they roll once, or per company? 
Each Komissar team can Destroy a team in their company to re-roll the Motivation Test to Counterattack for their own company. Since the re-roll only applies to that company, each Komissar must Destroy a team to get a separate reroll for their own company, each of which is rolled separately.

My infantry teams armed with sticky bombs (which have the Improvised Tank Assault rule) attack a KV- tank with a Turret-rear MG. The Improvised Tank Assault rule means that an assaulting team is Destroyed if it rolls a to Hit. The Turret-rear MG rule requires a team that scored a hit to take another Skill Test to confirm the hit.So, if I successfully hit with my first roll with my sticky bombs, but roll a one on the second roll, does my assaulting team blow itself up? 
The first sentence of the Turret-rear MG rule says, “If a hit from a … team is allocated to a Tank team armed with a Turret-rear MG …” The infantry team has already hit the tank and we are now in the hit allocation phase when the Turret-rear MG rule comes into effect, so it can’t be rolling to hit, and thus is at no risk of blowing itself up.

Should the Soviet forces pay more for the new Hen and Chicks rules in Mid War?
For the moment, use the new Hen and Chicks rules with the existing points for Mid-war games. The points values for Mid-war Soviet tanks were a little high, so an increase in effectiveness should not be particularly unbalancing. 

Should I use the Tank Escorts rules for my Mid-war Tankodesantniki? 
The Tankodesantniki rule on page 252 says to use the Tank Escorts rules for all Tankodesantniki.


Some recent Intelligence Briefings have platoons of Tank teams that can Combat Attach. If I Combat Attach all of the teams from a Tank platoon, what happens to the Command Tank?
While Combat Attaching from a platoon of Tank teams, the Command Tank ceases to be Command Tank, so it can be Combat Attached as well. If Combat Attached, it is not a Command team in the platoon it is attached to.

If a 2iC Command team is leading the HQ Support Platoon or a German Kampfgruppe, can they still appoint new Platoon Command teams?
Yes. They are still a 2iC Command team (and still a Warrior). They are just a permanent part of a platoon now.

If the rest of their HQ Support Platoon or Kampfgruppe is Destroyed, is the 2iC Command team still part of the platoon, or can they Join another platoon?
If the HQ Support Platoon or Kampfgruppe is Destroyed, but the 2iC Command team is still operational, it reverts to its normal state and can Join other platoons. This means that the HQ Support Platoon or Kampfgruppe is Destroyed as soon as the other teams are Destroyed, even though the 2iC Command team survived.

If I Combat Attach teams to a platoon that has a special rule, do the attached teams gain the special rule? 
No. Teams cannot gain a special rule by attaching to a platoon. 

Can I Combat Attach teams to a platoon, increasing the number of teams that I can then take with the German Kampfgruppe rule?
No. All attachments happen at the same time.

Motorcycle Reconnaissance and Portee teams are Tank teams, yet they dismount as Infantry or Gun teams. HQ Support Tank teams must remain in the HQ Support Platoon and cannot be attached to other platoons. Can I dismount the gun from a Portee to make it into a Gun team and then attach it out?
Yes, but you do not need to. Treat Motorcycle Reconnaissance and Portee teams of the HQ Support Weapons as their dismounted form when determining how they can be attached.

If I have a US Weapons Platoon with three M2 60mm mortars and four M LMG teams, can I Combat Attach all of the LMG teams while keeping the mortars? 
No. You can only Combat Attach up to half of the teams (ignoring the Command team). With the standard platoon of three mortars and two LMG teams you can Combat Attach out both LMG teams. If your platoon has acquired additional machine-guns, bringing it up to seven teams plus a Command team, you can only Combat Attach up to three of them. As an alternative, you could Combat Attach the whole platoon.


The Pincer mission has proved significantly unbalanced in the defender’s favour. We have found that a small change to the mission brings it back into balance.

Amend step 3 to read:

3. Next the defending player nominates at least half of their platoons to be held off the table in Delayed Reserves. These troops will arrive along one of the long table edges in the defender’s table half.

Add a step 8 to Preparing For Battle that says:

8. The defender chooses which long table edge in their table half that their Reserves will appear from.

Can I withdraw a Transport Platoon using the Strategic Withdrawal rules in the Fighting Withdrawal mission?

If so, what happens to the passengers?
You can’t just Withdraw a Transport Platoon to meet the Strategic Withdrawal requirement. If you Withdraw a Transport platoon, any platoons carried by it (whether in part or as a whole) are Withdrawn as well.

In a game between two forces that have the Always Attacks special rule, how do I decide which attacks? 
The Always Attacks rule only applies against another force that does not have the Always Attacks rule, so use the normal rules. This means that a Tank Company with Always Attacks will attack an Infantry Company with Always Attacks. 

What is a Defensive Battle? Has this changed since Version 2 when there was a Defensive Battle special rule?
A Defensive Battle is one marked as a Defensive Battle (see page 255 of the rulebook).

In some older Version 2 books, the Always Attack and Always Defend rules are usually associated with a ‘Defensive Battle special rule’. What is this and how is it handled?
This special rule is redundant in the current version of the rules. These forces are Always Attacks or Always Defends with no additional criteria.

Can an Infantry or Gun team mounted in a Transport team take an Objective or prevent the enemy from Taking an Objective?
Yes it can.

All teams are Gone to Ground at the start of the game. Does this mean that Infantry teams in the open can be Concealed because they are not moving, and therefore get the Concealed and Gone to Ground advantage when the enemy shoots at them? 
Yes, it does.

Fortified Platoons cannot be placed in Reserves. What happens if a force only has Fortified Platoons available to be put in Reserves? Do they have to give up their fortifications and go into Reserves?
No. All Fortified Platoons are deployed on table. If this is more than half the force’s platoons, this may result in fewer than the normal number of platoons (or even no platoons if the entire force is Fortified Platoons) being held in Reserves.

In a Mobile or Defensive battle, if my platoon moves after deployment using a Recce Deployment, Spearhead Deployment, or Infiltration move, are they still Dug In? Are they still Gone to Ground? What about being Concealed in the Open if they are Infantry? 
They are not Dug In. They started the game Dug In from the Prepared Positions rule, but have since moved out of their foxholes. Likewise, since they have moved, they are not Gone to Ground, and nor are Infantry teams Concealed in the Open. 

The Spearhead Deployment rule allows a platoon to take a Reconnaissance Deployment as long as it takes it out of its own Deployment Area. Can I still use Spearhead Deployment in a mission like Cauldron that doesn’t have a Deployment Area?
No. If the mission doesn’t have a Deployment Area, you cannot use Spearhead Deployment. 

If the opposing forces both use the Time of Day rules, which Time of Day do you use?
Roll a die with the highest scoring player’s rule applying.

The Night Fighting rules say that the concealment of night does not allow Recce teams to use the Cautious Movement rule. What does this mean? 
Night, although providing Concealment, does not add the extra +1 to the score the enemy needs to hit them for being Concealed and Gone to Ground. A team needs to be Concealed by Terrain to get this bonus, even at night.

What effect does the Large Forces rule have on a Fair Fight mission?
In a Fair Fight mission where neither side won, each player treats their opponent as the winner. If their opponent had nine or more platoons, the Large Forces rule comes into play in that they ignore the first platoon they lost, thereby reducing their opponent’s Victory Points. They do not increase their own though.
So, you have nine platoons and I have six. We both destroyed two platoons, but ran out of time in a Free-for-all mission.You treat me as the winner. I lost two platoons, so you get 3 Victory Points.I treat you as the winner. You lost two platoons, but by the Large Forces rule, as the winner you ignore the first platoon destroyed. In effect, I treat you as having lost one platoon, so I get 2 Victory Points.The Large Forces rule changed what would have been a 3-all game into a 3-2 game in your favour.

The Breakthrough mission uses the Mobile Reserves special rules. The attacker’s reserves are in Delayed Reserves. The defender must hold troops in reserves using the Mobile Reserves rule. Are these also in Delayed Reserves?
No. They arrive from Reserves from the first turn as specified in the Preparing for Battle section. 

In the No Man’s Land mission, only Fortified Platoons are deployed on table. How do I play this mission if I have a Fortified Company that doesn’t have any Fortified Platoons? 
The mission is a recommendation for games between two Fortified Companies where normal missions would result in an uneventful stalemate. However, it is not always appropriate. In cases where one side is a Fortified Company, but has no Fortified Platoons, you may be better to play a normal mission with the company that has no Fortified Platoons as the attacker.

Can I withdraw a Transport Platoon using the Strategic Withdrawal rules in the Fighting Withdrawal mission? If so, what happens to the passengers?
If you Withdraw a Transport Platoon, it and any platoons carried by it (whether in part or as a whole) are Withdrawn as well. If you do not wish to do this, you can use the Send to the Rear rule to remove the Transport Platoon, then Withdraw the now dismounted Passengers in a subsequent turn.

Can my opponent block off the area my Reserves will arrive from except for a small gap to force me into a killing zone? 
As the Nowhere to Arrive rule states, it is inappropriate to attempt to prevent the enemy’s reserves from arriving by blocking the edge of the table. If this happened by accident, then pushing the blocking troops back wherever the Reserves choose to arrive would be a good solution

Briefing Updates

Atlantik Wall

The 7.5cm KwK35(f) gun on the Panzer B-2 740(f ) (Char B-1) has a Range of 16”/40cm and can fire on the move. Is this correct?
No. It has Range 24”/60cm and Awkward Layout.

Why does the 7 6. Divisional Antitank Gun Platoon not appear in any company diagrams? 
These guns were the ones in the Sword Wiederstand Nest on page 29. The entry was accidentally left in the book.

The 2 . Gepanzerte Multiple Mortar Platoon on page 5 has a Command SMG team and a Command U304(f) half-track. Which is the actual command team?
The Command SMG team should not be there. The Command U304(f) half-track is the command team.

Oberscharführer Barkmann’s Stalker rule on page 82 appears to be a duplicate of his Ace rule. What is the correct Stalker rule?
The correct rule is: If Barkmann is shot at, he is treated as Gone to Ground if he is Concealed and did not move in his turn, even if he did shoot in his turn. 

Should an SS-Panzerspähkompanie be able to field a Heavy SS-Panzerspäh Platoon?
Yes. It should be an option in the first box, along with the Half-tracked, Light, and Puma SS-Panzerspäh Platoons.

Should the command team of a Gepanzerte Panzergrenadier Lehr Platoon be an SMG team as shown or MG team as suggested by the first option?
It should be an MG team.

A Gepanzerte Panzergrenadier Lehr Platoon can remove its half-tracks without having Field Fortifications. Why is this?
All of the infantry in the Panzer Lehr Division was mounted in armoured half-tracks. As the Normandy terrain was often unsuited for half-tracks, they sometimes left them to the rear, even when attacking as they had no motorised Panzergrenadiere to use in these situations.

A Gepanzerte Panzergrenadier Heavy Platoon and an Armoured SS-Heavy Platoon can remove its half-tracks if the company has Field Fortifications. However, the only way to get Field Fortifications is to take them in place of the heavy platoon, so how can I ever remove the half-tracks?
You can’t. We got a little carried away when we included the option.

The Gepanzerte Panzerpionier Platoon on page 117 may remove its half-tracks if it has Field Fortifications. Does this remove all of the half-tracks, even those upgraded to Stuka zu Fuss and the command half-track?
Yes, they are all removed.

The Motorised Heavy Artillery Battery on page 128 has the same points for two and four s10cm K18 guns for the 2nd and 9th Panzer Divisions. What should it be?

Two guns should be 180 points.

The Schwere SS-Panzerkompanie on page 72 has Panzer Platoon listed twice in its first Support box. Should this be a Panzer Platoon and a Panther Platoon?
Yes it should.

The SS-Panzer Anti-aircraft Gun Platoon on page 86 does not have numbers for how many 2cm FlaK38(V) on a Panzer IV anti-aircraft tanks you get for the points.
You get 3 for 185 points and 2 for 125 points.

Should the SS-Panzergrenadierkompanie on page 6 have an Armoured SS-Anti-tank Gun Platoon or a Light SS-Anti-tank Gun Platoon as a Weapons platoon?
It should be a Light SS-Anti-tank Gun Platoon.

The S307(f) Reihenwerfer has Mortar Battery as one of its notes. What does this mean as it is also described as a Rocket Launcher? If it is a rocket launcher, should it not count as two weapons firing as it has 16 tubes like the Katyusha?

Mortar Battery was a reference to the rule on page 59 that states that they are rocket launchers, but the heading got left out. As for counting as two weapons firing, yes it should be that way.

The Range for the 2cm KwK38 gun on the Panzer II L Luchs armoured car is given as 16”/60cm on page 233. What should it be?
It should be 16”/40cm.

The 2cm Flakvierling 38 anti-aircraft gun is listed as Light. Shouldn’t it be Immobile?
Yes it should be Immobile.

The 10 cm leFH 4/ (t) howitzer is listed as having a Smoke Bombardment, but no direct-fire smoke. Which is correct?
This weapon did not have a smoke shell, so should not have a Smoke Bombardment.

Is the 8.8cm FlaK36 Nest rated as Anti-aircraft or Heavy Anti-aircraft?
It is rated as Heavy Anti-aircraft, the same as all other 8.8cm FlaK36 guns.

The Sd Kfz 251/17 (2cm) half-track has ROF 3. In other books it is shown as 4. Which is correct?

It should be ROF 4.

What are the characteristics of an HMG Nest?
HMG Nest: Range 24:/60cm, ROF 6, Anti-tank 2, Firepower 6, ROF 3 when Pinned Down.

Why is the 7.62cm FK288(r) rated as a Heavy gun when the 76mm ZIS-3 gun is rated as a Medium gun?

Most of the guns in use were actually 77.6mm FK297(r), the 76mm obr 1939 gun. At the time Atlantik Wall was written, the ZIS-3 was the closest model we could suggest to represent it.

Bridge by Bridge

What are the characteristics of the Captured Humber IV armoured car an Captured Humber scout car?
Humber IV: Wheeled, Front 1, Side 0, Top 0, Co-ax MG.
M6 37mm gun: Range 24:/60cm, ROF 2, Anti-tank 7, Firepower 4+.
Humber Scout Car: Jeep, Front 1, Side 0, Top 0, AA MG.

The Fanatical Faust-men special rule (on page 2 ) prevents Panzerfaust Trap teams from Joining other Independent teams. As Independent teams they aren’t allowed to anyway. Should this include Warrior teams?
Yes. Panzerfaust Trap teams cannot Join or be Joined by Warrior teams.

Where can Panzerfaust Trap teams be placed using the Panzerfaust Ambush rules? It says they can be in any terrain feature. Does this allow them to be placed on roads or hills, or behind walls?
Terrain features are basically things placed on the table, as opposed to the basic table, so, yes, you can placed them on roads and hills. It also makes sense to place them behind walls and other linear obstacles since they can’t actually be on them. 

Panzerfaust Trap teams are placed at the start of ‘any Movement Step’. Does that mean that I can place my Panzerfaust Trap team in my opponent’s Movement Steps?
No. It refers to any of your own Movement Steps.

The MG Company of Sperrverband Harzer (on page 6 ) operates as separate platoons, but only has one Command team. Is it supposed to have a Command team per platoon?
Yes it is. The HQ Section should be deleted. Instead, each platoon should have an additional Command Rifle team.

The Sd Kfz 25 / D (Stuka) half-track is listed as a Transport, but has no passengers to carry. Shouldn’t it be a Tank team?
Yes it should be listed as a Tank team, not a Transport team.

Tank Pits are now the same as Tank Turret Bunkers (see the Rulebook Update at the end of this document), are Euling’s dug-in assault guns also Tank Turret Bunkers now?

Yes. Euling’s Dig In the Assault Guns rule on page 57 is replaced with:

Before deployment, you may choose to place all Jagdpanzer IV assault guns from an SS-tank-Hunter Platoon (see page 136) in Assault Gun Pits as Tank Turret Bunkers.These Bunkers have a Field of Fire of 180 degrees to the front of the model and may fire both their main gun and their hull machine-gun at the same time.

Can SS-Hauptsturmführer Viktor Graebner make a Spearhead move using the Graebner’s Gamble special rule?

Yes he can.

Blood, Guts & Glory

Are Tank Destroyer Platoons still Reconnaissance Platoons under the new Tank Destroyer rules?
No. They are not Reconnaissance Platoons.

The M4A3E2 Jumbo has Top Armour 2 in Bridge at Remagen. Should it also be Top Armour 2 in Blood, Guts & Glory?

Yes. It was previously under rated and should be Top Armour 2.

Should the M4A3E8 “ThunderboltVII” have Smooth Ride as the Updated M4A3E8 Easy Eight in Bridge at Remagen doesn’t?

No. It should not have Smooth Ride.

The M20 utility has a passenger-fired .50 cal AA MG. Patton’s M20 doesn’t have any passengers (being a Warrior team itelf), so how can it shoot?
The .50 cal AA MG on Patton’s M20 utility should not be Passenger fired

Why is the Sd Kfz 251/17 (2cm) Half-track a Tank team in this book and a Transport team in others?

The Sd Kfz 251/17 (2cm) and Sd Kfz 251/21 (Triple 15mm) were used in two distinct roles depending on the unit and its organisation. The Panzerbrigade organisation used them as dedicated Anti-aircraft vehicles, while other units used them as transport half-tracks to replace the old Sd Kfz 251/10 (3.7cm) as platoon commander’s vehicles, and yet others used them as a combined anti-aircraft vehicle and transport for the HMG sections.

Eastern Front

In Version 2, an Infantry Company could take up to three Snipers. Can it still do so? 
Snipers were not very common in this part of the war, so it would be appropriate to leave them out. However, if your force had them under Version 2, you can still use them. 
What platoon use the Motorcycle Reconnaissance rules? 
The simple answer is every infantry or HMG platoon equipped with motorcycles (aside from command teams in platoons that don’t otherwise have motorcycles). 

The Always Attack and Always Defend rules are usually associated with a ‘Defensive Battle special rule’. What is this and how is it handled? 
This special rule is redundant in the current version of the rules. These forces are Always Attacks or Always Defends with no additional criteria.


Are German Pioneer teams supposed to be Tank Assault 4 in this book? They are Tank Assault 3 elsewhere. 
Yes they are. The Germans discovered the need for their infantry to be able to assault tanks when they faced the T-34 and KV-1. Their pioneers responded by developing new and better anti-tank techniques.

How can a Kradschützenkompanie (page 24) have a Heavy Artillery Battery?
Since they only have one artillery battery, and need to have a Light Artillery Battery before they can have a Heavy Artillery Battery, they can’t.

Can I only have six Panhard 178(f ) armoured cars?

You may take Light Panzerspäh Platoons equipped with Panhard 178(f ) armoured cars in place of Mixed and Heavy Panzerspäh Platoons, as long as all of your armoured cars are Panhard 178(f ).

What are the correct points for a Light Panzerspäh Platoon with 3 Panhard 178(f ) armoured cars?

3 Panhard 178(f ) armoured cars are 135 points.

How do I get the SS version of the Panzerpionier Platoon (page 38)?

This platoon is only available to Heer units. Use the Pioneer Platoon (page 32).

The 15cm sFH18 guns of the SS version of the Heavy Artillery Battery (page 38) seem rather cheap. What is the correct cost?

4 15cm sFH18 guns cost 540 points.
2 15cm sFH18 guns cost 280 points.

Can a Flammpanzer II shoot at different platoons with each of its flame-throwers?

No. They must both target the same platoon.

Can I get just one KV-2 tank in my KV Tankovy Company (page 61)?

Yes. The limit on replacing KV-1 tanks with KV-2 tanks should be ‘any or all’ rather than ‘up to half’.

I want my Armoured Tractor Detachment to tow by guns onto the table from Reserves. How can I make sure that they arrive together?

You can do this by attaching an Armoured Tractor Detachment to the platoon it was bought with as its Transport instead of using them as a separate platoon.

Is the Tank Destruction Company (page 76) limited to Guards forces?
No. It should not have any symbol above its points column, but is rated as Fearless Conscript.

What about the Self-propelled Antitank Company (page 77)?

Likewise, It should not have any symbol above its points column, but is rated as Fearless Conscript.

Can a Militia Strelkovy Batalon have a Flame-thrower Platoon?

No. The Flame-thrower Platoon does not have an option with the Militia symbol.

Burning Empires

The diagram for the Vichy Anti-tank Gun Platoon on page 108 should show 4 crew (not 5) for the 75mm mle 1897 in the anti-tank role.
If I use the Interdiction Raids in Missions with Reserves rule (on page 25), I can make my opponent ignore a successful Reserves roll. If they were rolling three or more dice, but only got one success, does the At Least One Platoon Arrives rule kick in?
If after the effects of the Interdiction Raids, you are left with zero successes, the At Least One Platoon Arrives rule kicks in (it is triggered by the presence of zero successes), so you get a single reserve.
The advantage of Interdiction Raids is that it reduces the likelihood of early reserves and reduces the likelihood of multiple reserves later. However, it can’t permanently stall the reserves.

The Brandenburger Halbkompanie (on page 64) is a Mid-war force that has a Gebirgsjäger Infanterie Platoon as a support option. The Gebirgsjäger Infanterie Platoon is part of an Early War force. Can I take it and what is its points value?
Infantry platoons don’t change points much across periods. Since the Brandenburgers were supported by a Gebirgsjäger unit that was virtually identical to the Early War one (and worth the same points value), referencing them avoids double-ups.

Can a Mid-war Compagnie de Tirailleurs Sénégalais (on page 54) take a Free French Anti-tank Gun Platoon as support?
Yes it can. The points value is the same as the Early-war platoon as the points value of the guns does not increase across the two periods.

How does the Luftlandesturmkompanie HQ (on page 7 ) arrive on the table if they don’t have a glider?
They walk on. This option is for forces that are not using gliders.

Can a glider platoon make a glider assault (on page 85) if they are held in Reserves?
No, they must arrive by glider in the first turn, otherwise they arrive on foot.

In the Cauldron mission, the defender has the first turn. As the gliders don’t land until their first turn, do they count as being on the table in the defender’s first turn? 
No they do not count as being on the table until it actually arrives. It is still counted when working out which platoons need to be held off the table in Reserve. 

What happens if a glider slides off the table?
The best idea is to use Landing Off the Table from the Parachute Landings rules on page 83.

Does Slow Going cause a Glider to crash?
No. Only Difficult, Very Difficult Going, and Impassable Terrain cause it to crash.

What if it hits an Obstacle like a Barbed Wire Entanglement?
Treat it as terrain that causes the Glider to crash

Can a Fallschirmjäger platoon recover its containers at the start of the opponent’s turn?
No. They recover them at the start of their own turn. 

Can an Italian team dismount in an Avanti move?
No they cannot.

The Harbinger of Things to Come special rule on page 79 now reads: A Luftlandesturmkompanie Always Attacks.

The German 7.5cm LG40 has a Turntable.

The Italian L3/35 Lanciafiamme flametank has a co-ax MG.


The Goum Weapons Platoon (on page 70) must be Combat Attached to the Goum Rifle Platoons. The Goum Weapons Platoon has five teams. Since no more than half of the teams can be Combat Attached to any one platoon, what do I do if I only have two Goum Rifle Platoons?
As the whole platoon must be Combat Attached, you will have to attach two teams to each platoon and discard the fifth team.

Desperate Measures

Should the 100mm BS-3 gun have the Volley Fire rule or the Cat Killer rule?
It has the Cat Killer special rule, the same as the SU-100.

The Sd Kfz 251/17 (2cm) half-track has ROF 3. In other books it is shown as 4. Which is correct?

It should be ROF 4. Also these vehicles have can fire at full ROF against Aircraft

Devil's Charge

Does Peiper’s Kampfgruppe have to be the Attacker in order to use the Peiper’s Charge special rule?
Yes. If it is the defender against another Always Attacks force, it cannot use the Spearhead Deployment rule.

Can the Company and 2iC Command teams make a Spearhead Deployment with the rest of their company?

If they are equipped with Panzer IV tanks, then yes.

Does the German Staff team really have Automatic Rifles?
No. Remove that rule from the arsenal.

Can a Parachute Rifle Platoon support a Cavalry Recon Troop?
Yes. It should be an option in the Infantry Support Platoons box (page 64).

Do I have to dismount all of my Cavalry Recon Platoons, or can I just Dismount some?

You may dismount any or all of your Cavalry Recon Platoons.

Are Tank Destroyer Platoons (page 69) still Reconnaissance Platoons under the new Tank Destroyer rules?

No. They are not Reconnaissance Platoons.

I’ve come across accounts of US artillery firing Time on Target bombardments with captured guns. Can I do this in the game?

Yes. Delete the Captured Equipment rule on page 73.

There are a number of points corrections:

Add the option to take 2 Ersatz Panther tanks to the Ersatz Panther Platoon (page 23) for 365 points.

The option for 3 T34 Calliope tanks in a Calliope Tank Platoon (page 54) is 120 points.

The option of 2 Mortar Sections for a Veteran Chemical Mortar Platoon (page 55) is 85 points.

The 2nd Infantry Division’s Winter Training rule and the 99th Infantry Battalion’s Survival Training rule are updated to be the same as that in Overlord as follows:

Platoons from the 2nd Infantry Division do not use the Truscott Trot special rule. Instead, Infantry and Man-packed Gun teams from the 2nd Infantry Division may move At the Double through Slow Going, (but not through Obstacle fortifications).

The US captured 10.5cm and 122mm howitzers seem to have different characteristics from other 10.5cm and 122mm howitzers. Is this correct?

No. The 10.5cm leFH18 howitzer should be a Breakthrough Gun and the 122mm obr 1938 howitzer should be Anti-tank 7 and be a Breakthrough Gun.

Does the 2iC Command Königstiger tank in an SS-Kampfgruppe Peiper HQ (on page 11) have a Tiger Aces skill?
Yes. The Tiger Aces rules state that all Warriors and platoons equipped with Tiger or Königstiger tanks have Tiger Aces skills, whether or not the briefing includes a reminder note about this.

The 2nd Infantry Division’s Winter Training rule is updated to be the same as that in Overlord as follows: 

Platoons from the 2nd Infantry Division do not use the Truscott Trot special rule.
Instead, Infantry and Man-packed Gun teams from the 2nd Infantry Division may move At the Double through Slow Going, (but not through Obstacle fortifications).

The US captured 122mm howitzers seem to have different characteristics from other 122mm howitzers. Is this correct?

No. The 122mm obr 1938 howitzer should be Anti-tank 7 and be a Breakthrough Gun.

Can the Sd Kfz 234/ (2 cm) fire at aircraft like the Sd Kfz 222?
Yes. The 2cm KwK38 should be a Selfdefence Anti-aircraft weapon.

The M4A3E2 Jumbo has Top Armour 2 in Bridge at Remagen. Should it also be Top Armour 2 in Devil's Charge?

Yes. It was previously under rated and should be Top Armour 2.

Fortress Italy

Do the 7.5cm Geb36 guns of a Fallschirmjäger Artillery Battery (page 81) have gun shields or not?
They are the Medium gun version without gun shields.

The 8.8cm FlaK37 (Sf ) self-propelled anti-aircraft gun only has ROF 2. Is that correct?
No. It should be ROF 3.

The 12.2cm FH396(r) howitzers seem to have different characteristics from 122mm howitzers. Is this correct?
No. The 122mm obr 1938 howitzer should be Anti-tank 7.

Are the points for the Fallschirmjäger Scout Platoon on page 77 correct?
No they are not. Two Scout Squads should be 150 points for 1. FJ Division, and 140 points for 4. FJ Division.
One Scout Squad should be 95 points for 1. FJ Division, and 85 points for 4. FJ Division.

Ed. This is going to be changed, as the 1 FJD Scouts are not Combat/Weapons platoons

Should the Headquarters of a Gepanzerte Panzergrenadierkompanie really be Compagnia Motociclisti HQ?

Opps. It should be Gepanzerte Panzergrenadierkompanie HQ.

Should the Panzer Scout Platoon and Self-propelled Infantry Gun Platoon really be Weapons Platoons?

Nope, they should be Regimental Support.

The Reserve Panther Platoon on page 143 is always in Reserves, even in missions without Reserves. Where do they arrive?

If there is a complete table edge in the player’s Deployment Area, they arrive from this table edge. Otherwise, they arrive from any table edge in the player’s Deployment Area.

Should the Panzer IV/70 really move as a Standard Tank?

No, It should be a Slow Tank as it is elsewhere.

The 7.5cm GebG36 gun can be taken with or without a Gun Shield, but the Arsenal only has one entry. What are the correct stats?

Without a Gun Shield the 7.5cm GebG36 gun is a Medium Gun team.

With a Gun Shield the 7.5cm GebG36 gun is a Heavy Gun team.

Both versions have the other characteristics shown in the arsenal

The 10.5cm LG40 recoilless gun doesn’t normally have a Smoke Bombardment. Should it have that ability here?

No. It does not have a Smoke Bombardment.

Grey Wolf

The German arsenal has a few minor glitches:The StuG M42 75/18 assault gun is armed with an AA MG in addition to its
7.7cm StuK 75/18 gun.

The Sd Kfz 221 (MG) armoured car has Front armour 0.

The Vielfachwerfer auf Maultier has Front armour 0.

The SS-Vielfachwerfer Battery on page 171 has Vielfachwerfer auf Maultier rocket launchers. Elsewhere these count as two weapons firing, or four weapons firing if they have Loading Crews. Should these be the same?
Yes. They count as two weapons firing, or four if they have Loading Crews.

Does the Time’s Up rule of the Sperrverband apply to all Counterattacks or just those involving Armoured Tank teams?
The wording on page 94 is correct, unlike that on page 95. The rule only applies to Counterattacks involving Armoured Tank teams.

Is the Staff Car of a BP44 Armoured Train a Staff team for its artillery bombardments?
Yes it is.

Market Garden

Naval Gunfire Support

There are now three Naval Gunfire Support options:
• HMS Warspite for 300 points
• HMS Roberts for 150 points
• LCG support for 75 points.

HMS Warspite is a 4-gun battery with Anti-tank 6 and Firepower 1+.

The Airborne Engineer Platoon on page 70 says ‘Add Bazooka teams’. The diagram shows Pioneer Bazooka teams. Which is it?
They are just Bazooka teams. They are not Pioneer teams.

Any hits on a Bagpiper 2iC Command team don’t count towards Pinning Down the platoon. What about Falling Back from Defensive Fire?
Hits on a Bagpiper 2iC Command team do not count for Falling back from Defensive Fire either.

Is Major David V Currie (on page 55) really an Independent team, that would stop him from joining platoons or assaulting?
He is not an Independent team just a regular Warrior Company Command team.

Is the Inns of Court Armoured Car Platoon supposed to be a Reconnaissance Platoon?
Yes it is.

Should the Canadian Motor Platoon (on page 57) really pay + 5 points per Motor Squad for Ram Kangaroo armoured personnel carriers?
Like the Rifle Platoon, it should be +15 points for the entire platoon.

How is the optional .50 cal MG on the Ram Kangaroo mounted?
It is hull mounted.

Should US M 57mm anti-tank guns have No HE? They didn’t in Hell’s Highway.
Yes they should. That was an error in Hell’s Highway.

What are the characteristics of the Humber IV and Otter LRC I armoured cars?
Humber IV: Wheeled, Front 1, Side 0, Top 0, Co-ax MG. M6 37mm gun: Range 24:/60cm, ROF 2, Anti-tank 7, Firepower 4+.Otter LRC I: Jeep, Front 0, Side 0, Top 0, AA MG.
Boys anti-tank rifle: Range 16"/40cm, ROF 2, Anti-tank 4, Firepower 5+, Hull mounted.

Should the PIAT Battery Carrier count as two weapons firing like the Katyusha as it has 14 PIAT projectors?

Yes it should.

How many Ram Kangaroos does the Canadian Motor Platoon get? Does the HQ Section have its own Kangaroo?

The platoon has three Ram Kangaroos at full strength. The HQ Section rides with one of the Motor Squads.

With the publication of Overlord, we are taking the opportunity to update Market Garden’s Breeching Groups, Commandos, and Naval gunfire Support special rules to match.

Breeching Groups

The Breeching Force rule on page 187 is replaced with:

A force that includes a Breaching Group Always Attacks and, if it is an Infantry Company, is considered a Mechanised Company for the purpose of the Armoured Reserves rule found on page 269 of the 
rulebook. Teams from a Breeching Group may only be held in Reserves in missions with the Mobile Reserves special rule. When determining the number of platoons that must be held in Reserves and the number of platoons Deployed on table, treat each Breaching Group as a single platoon. Each Section of a Breaching Group still Deploys and operates as a separate platoon.


The You Are Not Alone rule on page 175 is replaced with:

Ignore the first Destroyed Commando Section, Commando Machine-gun Platoon, or Commando Mortar Platoon in a Commando (Beach) or Commando(Orne) when determining whether it is necessary to take a Company Morale Check.


The points values for an Armoured Car Patrol (page 65) are as follows:
• Sd Kfz 223 (Radio) and 2 Sd Kfz 222 (2cm): 25th Panzergrenadier Division 95 points, 17th SS-Panzergrenadier Division 80 points.
• 2 Sd Kfz 231 (8-rad): 25th Panzergrenadier Division 70 points, 17th SSPanzergrenadier Division 60 points.

The Airborne Engineer Platoon on page 2 says ‘Add Bazooka teams’. The diagram shows Pioneer Bazooka teams. Which is it?
They are just Bazooka teams. They are not Pioneer teams.

The points for two Trained Cavalry Recon Patrols (on page 28) is the same as the Veteran points. Is this right?
No. It should be 140 points for two Trained Cavalry Recon Patrols.

The Panzergrenadier Panzer Platoon (on page 64) has two different points values for 3 StuG G (late) assault guns. Should the second be for two assault guns?
Yes it should.


The M3 75mm GMC is shown without a machine-gun. Is this correct?
No. It has an .50 cal AA MG fitted.

Naval Gunfire Support

The arsenal entries for Light and Heavy Cruisers have Changed. A Light Cruiser is now a 4-gun battery with Anti-tank 5 and Firepower 2+. A Heavy Cruiser is now a 4-gun battery.

The Rangers Lead the Way rule allows Infantry teams to move At the Double through Slow and Difficult Going. What about Man-packed Gun teams?

They can also move At the Double.

The Assault Company does not appear to have the ability to the Assault Anti-tank Platoon, Royal Artillery on page 66?
It should be an option in the Anti-tank box at the bottom of the first Support column along with the Assault Anti-tank Platoon (SP), Royal Artillery and the Corps Anti-tank Platoon (SP), Royal Artillery.

A Breaching Group from page 70 cannot be held in Reserves. The Breaching Group has up to three sections each of which is a separate platoon. That’s a lot of platoons that cannot be held in Reserves.
When determining the number of platoons that must be held in Reserves and the number of platoons Deployed on table, treat each Breaching Group as a single platoon. Each Section of a Breaching Group still Deploys and operates as a separate platoon.

Can Major Currie arm his Sherman tank with a .50 cal AA MG? 
Yes he can for +5 points, the same as the Company Command tank he replaces.

The Armoured Car Support Platoon on page 5 has the Inns of Court more expensive than the Household Cavalry. Is that right?
No. The points for the Household Cavalry and the Inns of Court should be swapped.

Should the Tank Recce Platoon on page 26 be a Reconnaissance Platoon?
Yes it should.

The Airborne Engineer Platoon on page 84 says ‘Add Bazooka teams’. The diagram shows Pioneer Bazooka teams. Which is it?
They are just Bazooka teams. They are not Pioneer teams.

In overlord The Glider Engineer Combat Platoon on page says ‘Add Bazooka teams to HQ Section and Operating Squads’. What about the Weapons Squad?
It should read ‘Add Bazooka teams to HQ Section, Operating Squads, and Weapons Squad’.

The points for 4 M4 or M4A Sherman tanks for the Fourth Division on page 26 appear to be wrong. The points should be 335, not 235.

The diagram for the Towed Tank Destroyer Platoon on page 2 4 shows M5 3in gun (late), should it just be M5 3in gun?
Yes, as everywhere else in the book.

Can an NGFS Air Observation Post or NGFS Observer team Spot for other artillery batteries, and can other Observer teams Spot for Naval Gunfire Support?
No. The Naval Gunfire Support does not have a Staff team, so its Observers cannot Spot for or other batteries, and vice versa. Company Command teams can still spot for Naval Gunfire Support using the Spotting With Company Command Teams rule on page 126 of the rulebook. Other Command teams cannot use the US Excellent Communication rule on page 240 of the rulebook

Can Naval Gunfire Support be combined with other artillery batteries using the Hit ‘Em With Everything You’ve Got rule on page 240 of the rulebook?
No it cannot. The communications network between the Navy and the Army did not support this.

Does a US NGFS Air Observation Post have the Column Security special rule from page 238 of the rulebook.
No it does not.

Why does Naval Gunfire Support have a range in the arsenal?
While Naval Gunfire Support can normally reach anything on the table, you might like to play a big game on a large table where you use the range from the beach instead.

The 3 RTR — Desert Veterans rule on page 00 allows an th Armoured Division Motor Company to have a Veteran Armoured Platoon as support. The 4th King’s Shropshire Light Infantry spent a lot of time working with 3 RTR, but cannot do this as they are Lorried Rifle Companies.
While Overlord does not allow this combination, it is a worthwhile option. As a new variant on the Lorried Rifle Company on page 104, you may apply the 3 RTR — Desert Veterans rule to the Lorried Rifle Company.

Red Bear

Should the 100mm BS-3 gun have the Volley Fire rule or the Cat Killer rule?
It has the Cat Killer special rule, the same as the SU-100.

The SU-57 is based on the M3 halftrack. Does it really have thicker side armour?
No. Its Side armour is 0.

Does a Motorcycle Komissar team really have the MG listed in the arsenal?
No. It has a Pistol.

Can the 45mm obr 1942 Nest use the Volley Fire special rule?
Yes it can.

Does the Soviet Battalion Komissar have any effect on the number of hits needed to pin the company down in the Assault Step?
Yes. It should say that they must take at least ten hits in the Shooting or Assault Steps before they become Pinned Down.

Red Bear has been revised and reprinted.Do I have to buy a new copy to find out what has changed?
No. You can download the changes from:

The Tank Riders Company on page 97 and the Motostrelkovy Company on page 99 have 9 figures in each squad, while all of the other SMG teams have 8 figures. Can I use 8 figures?

Yes. All Soviet SMG teams should be 4 figures per team.

Do the Shtraf Companies rules on page 25 of the rulebook apply to the 8ya Otdyelnaya Shtrafnoy Batalon (on page 48)?
No. The Shtrafbat has its own rules. 

The 8ya Otdyelnaya Shtrafnoy Batalon has a rule that says it Always Attacks even against a tank company. What happens when it comes up against a Tank or Mechanised Company that Always Attacks?
The Always Attacks rule only applies where the other company does not have the Always Attacks rule, so in this case the Tank or Mechanised Company would be the attacker.

Both of the Warriors Nevsky (on page 64) and Loza (on page 23) have special rules that say that the Hen and Chicks special rule does not apply to them. What happens if they move and the rest of the company shoots? Can the rest of the company move without them?
If the Warrior moves but the others don’t, the rest of the company shoots as 
stationary. The rest of the company can only move if their Command team, the Warrior, moves. If any of the other tanks do move, you need to revert back to the regular Hen and Chicks rule and the whole company must move.

The M 10 self-propelled anti-tank gun (on page 34) is only available as a Guards option. Can units other than Guards have M10 support?
Units that are not Guards are able to take Guards M10 self-propelled guns in support in the same way that Guards units can take regular Red Army SU-57 self-propelled guns in support.

Must I attach my Field Fortifications (on page 56) to the listed types of platoons and companies?
Yes. You must attach the Field Fortifications. The special rule lists the types of platoons and companies you can attach them to.

A Legkiy Samokhodno-Artillyeriyskiy Polk (Light Self-propelled Artillery Regiment) (on page 06) equipped with SU-76M can be either a Tank Company or a Mechanised Company. When do I make this decision, at the start of each game or when I form the force?
When you form your force you decide once and for all which it will be.

What is the Firepower of the flamethrower on the KV-8s supposed to be?
Its Firepower is 5+.

Road to Rome

Are the Staghounds in the Assault Gun Platoon (page 61) supposed to be Staghound II CS?
Yes. All Staghound II are IICS.

Is the platoon at the bottom of page 85 a Scout Platoon or a Motor Carrier Platoon?

A Scout Platoon.

Is the Cavalry Recon Troop (page 186) really an infantry company?
No. It is a Mechanised Company.

Can I have .50 cal AA MG on my T30 75mm HMC assault guns?

Yes. Add the option for +5 points per half-track.

Can the Sherman IB (105mm) fire a Smoke Bombardment?

Yes. Like other British CS tanks, firing Smoke Bombardments is key to its intended role,

What are the Greyhound’s stats?
Wheeled, Front 1, Side 0, Top 0, with a Co-ax MG and a M6 37mm gun with Range 24”/60cm, ROF 2, Anti-tank 7, and Firepower 4+.

Does the Polish Stuart V Jalopy have a 37mm gun?

No. It is purely armed with machine-guns.
How are the machine-guns mounted on the US and French M3A1 armored cars?

The .50 cal MG is an AA MG, while the two .30 cal MGs are side-mounted AA MGs.

Naval Gunfire Support

The arsenal entries for Light Cruisers have Changed.
A Light Cruiser is now a 4-gun battery with Anti-tank 5 and Firepower 2+.

What is the rating of the Chemical Mortar Platoon on page 171. It’s in the Rangers section, but it’s a Support platoon for normal infantry as well?

It is rated Confident Veteran.

The Wasp flame-thrower carrier normally has a range of 4”/10cm. Is that correct for Italy as well?

Yes. It has a Range of 4”/10cm.

What support is available to an Indian Rifle Company (page 40)? Can they takes tank support from the British 6th Armored Division for instance?

The Indians can take any support marked with the Indian symbol. When the Indian symbol isn’t available, they have a choice between units with the Eighth Army symbol or the NZ symbol. If none of these three options is shown for a platoon, they may take any symbol.

Bridge at Remagen

Should the D7 dozer really be unarmoured?
As the model shows, its armoured with Front armour 0, Side armour 0, and Top armour 0.
The first sentence in Otto Carious’ rule Setting Up the Shot is amended to read:

Enemy teams do not receive Concealment from terrain when shot at by Carius.
If my tank was Gone to Ground in terrain when Carius shot at it, is it still Gone to Ground, even though it is not Concealed?

It is still Gone to Ground, but since this only makes you harder to hit if you are Concealed, it does not add any penalty to the score that Carius’s needs to hit.
Can I equip just some of the squads in a 512 Panzer Scout Platoon with half-tracks?

No. It must be all or none.

The Sd Kfz 251/17 (2cm) half-track has ROF 3. In other books it is shown as 4. Which is correct?

It should be ROF 4.


Is it the 15th/17th Hussars or the 15th/19th Hussars?
The 15th/19th Hussars.
The Sd Kfz 251/17 (2cm) half-track has ROF 3. In other books it is shown as 4. Which is correct?

It should be ROF 4.

You can mount your Marine Antiaircraft 3.7cm FlaK43 guns on Kfz 70 trucks. Aren’t they a bit small for such a big gun?
Yep. They should be mounted on Opel trucks (code GE431).

How does the Infra-red Visibility re-roll work?
It says that teams roll two dice, but normally you only roll once for a whole platoon. It should say that platoons with Infra-red Equipment roll two dice and take the higher score.

What if there are teams in the platoon that doesn’t have Infra-red Equipment?
In that case, roll one die for them, then roll a second die for those with Infra-red Equipment. If the second roll is higher, the teams with Infra-red Equipment use the second roll.

A German company equipped with Infra-red Equipment may make a Night Attack. How much Infra-red equipment must I have to use this rule?
Ideally, you would have as much Infrared Equipment as you can, but at a minimum, you must have at least one Combat Platoon equipped with Infra-red Equipment to use this rule.
If I do make a Night Attack, platoons with Infra-red Equipment can make Spearhead moves. Does the whole platoon need to be so equipped to do so?
Yes the whole platoon must have Infrared Equipment. The vehicles without IR equipment can’t keep up at night, preventing the unit from being the spearhead. 

Can the Sd Kfz 251/20 Uhu make a Spearhead move?
No. Its role is to sit back illuminating targets, not to rush forward to close range.

Rising Sun

The Soviet Gun teams don’t have Volley Fire shown in the arsenal. Do they still have the Volley Fire rule?
Yes they do. In addition, the BT-7A and SU-12 self-propelled guns also use the Volley Fire special rule.

Does a platoon that has drawn on its Seishin have to assault with all of its teams, or can some voluntarily stay out of the assault?
The soldiers are trying to commit suicide to atone for their failure, not make a tactical attack, so yes, all of the teams that can assault must do so.

The Fire Bursts rule mentions two-gun batteries. Does that mean the rule doesn’t apply to batteries that are down to one gun?
No. The rule applies to all of the ‘two-gun batteries’ in the book, even after they have taken losses and been reduced to a single gun.


Blitzkrieg has a number of updates to bring it in line with the latest release of the rules. These are outlined below. 


British Special Rules The Unflappable special rule remains unchanged. 

The British Bulldog, Carry On Sergeant, Tally Ho!, Broadside, Deck Turret MG, Twelve-gun Battery and Combined Bombardment special rules are replaced with those in the rulebook.

Replace the Scottish Bagpipes special rule with: When the 2iC Command team uses the Warrior Infantry Team Casualties rule on page 106 of the rulebook, the opponent needs to roll 5+ to Destroy it rather than 4+. If the enemy’s roll is unsuccessful, the piper’s music inspires the surviving team members to keep going. Any hits on the 2iC Command team do not count towards Pinning Down the platoon. 

Replace the Mixed Battery rule with the Mixed Bombardments rule on page 131 of the rulebook. 

The special rule breaking the Armoured Company into separate platoons on page 119 is replaced with: The HQ, Light, and Cruiser Platoons of an Armoured Company operate as separate platoons, each with their own Platoon Command team. 

The HQ Platoon is a headquarters in name only. It operates the same as any other platoon and is led by a normal Platoon Command team. 

The Charge! rule on page 119 deleted and no longer applies. 

The Rearguard rule on page 122 now reads: A Divisional Cavalry Squadron Always Defends.

British Tank Points

The points for the Armoured Regiment on pages 118 and 119 change as follows: 

The Regiment HQ points should be: 

  • 1 A10 Cruiser Mk II and 1 Light Mk VI B for 130 points. 
  • Replace 2iC Command Light Mk VI B tank with Light Mk VI C tank for +5 points, A9 Cruiser Mk I tank for +45 points, or A10 Cruiser Mk II tank for +60 points. 
  • Add A9 Cruiser Mk I tank for +80 points, A10 Cruiser Mk II for +95 points, Light Mk VI B tank for +35 points, or Light Mk VI C tank for +40 points. 
  • Add Light Mk VI B tank for +35 points or Light Mk VI C tank for +40 points.
The Armoured Company points should be: 

HQ Platoon of: 
2 A13 Cruiser Mk III and 2 A9 Cruiser Mk I CS 235 points 
2 A13 Cruiser Mk III and 1 A9 Cruiser Mk I CS 200 points 
1 A13 Cruiser Mk III and 2 A9 Cruiser Mk I CS 155 points 
1 A13 Cruiser Mk III and 1 A9 Cruiser Mk I CS 120 points

  • Replace all A9 Cruiser Mk I CS tanks with Light Mk VI C tanks at no cost. or HQ Platoon of: 
2 A9 Cruiser Mk I CS and 1 Light Mk VI C 115 points 
2 A9 Cruiser Mk I CS 75 points

with Combat Platoons: 

2 Cruiser and 2 Light Platoons +700 points 
1 Cruiser and 2 Light Platoons +460 points 
1 Cruiser and 1 Light Platoon +350 points 
• Replace any or all A13 Cruiser Mk III tanks with A13 Mk II Cruiser Mk IV tanks for +20 points per tank. 


French Special Rules The High Command, Integrated Defences, Colonial Troops, Central Fire Control, and Supply Carriers special rules remain unchanged. 

The One-man Turret and Limited Vision special rules are replaced with those in the rulebook. 
The Stabiliser Jacks rule is no longer used. 
Replace the second paragraph of the Trench Warfare rule with: When conducting Defensive Fire, Infantry and Gun teams that are Dug In or in Entrenchments can shoot over any Man-packed or Light Gun teams that are also Dug In or in Entrenchments. 

Replace the Quick Fire rule with: Re-roll all failed To hit rolls from Artillery Bombardments fired with at least as many 75mm mle 1897 guns as other weapons, and at least four weapons in total.

Batteries with one to three weapons, half or more of which are 75mm mle 1897 guns do not need to re-roll successful To Hit rolls. 

Replace the Heavy Artillery rule with the Mixed Bombardments rule on page 131 of the rulebook. 

Replace the HMG Bunkers and Barbed Wire rule on page 164 with: A company with an HMG Nest or HMG Pillbox is a Fortified Company


German Special Rules The Kampfgruppe, Mission Tactics, Storm Troopers, and Mounted Assault special rules are replaced with those in the rulebook.

Replace the Truck-borne Tanks special rule with: A Verlastete Panzerkompanie Always Attacks. The Company HQ and all Combat platoons use the Spearhead Deployment special rule. 


Polish Special Rules The Fate of the Nation, Night Counterattack, Batalion Piechoty (Centralised Control), Lancers, and Szwadron Kawalerii (Centralised Control) special rules remain unchanged. 

The Deck Turret, One-man Turret, and the remainder of the Cavalry rules are replaced with those in the rulebook. 

Replace the fifth paragraph of the Bypassed special rule with: When the bypassed company does arrive, roll another die. On a roll of 1 the company arrives on the table edge to the left of the opponent’s Deployment Area. On a roll of 2, the company arrives within 16”/40cm of the left-hand corner of the opponent’s Deployment Area. On a roll of 3 or 4, the company arrives from the table edge at the back of the opponent’s Deployment Area. On a roll 5, the company arrives within 16”/40cm of the right-hand corner of the opponent’s Deployment Area. On a roll of 6 the company arrives on the table edge to the right of the opponent’s Deployment Area. If the Deployment Area is one or more quarters of the table, pick one corner of the table in the opponent’s Deployment Area instead. On a roll of 1 or 2, the company arrives on the table edge to the left of the corner. On a roll of 3 or 4, the company arrives within 16”/40cm of the corner. On a roll of 5 or 6, the company arrives on the table edge to the right of the corner. 

The guns on Polish Taczanka machine-gun wagons are hull-rear weapons. 

Armoured Train 

Rules Pages 205 to 212 of the rulebook rather than those on pages 51 to 55. 

The Armoured Railcar Platoon is a Supporting Tank Platoon.

The Assault Car is an Infantry Car that deploys with the Assault Platoon. 

Multi-part Platoons 

British Armoured Companies, Carrier and Scout Platoons, and Field Batteries, Royal Artillery, German Light, Mixed, and Heavy Panzerspäh or SS-Panzerspäh Platoons, and Polish Piechoty Companies are Multi-part Platoons (see page 259 of the rulebook). As such each platoon, troop, or patrol deploys and operates as a totally separate platoon. 


The following changes are needed in the arsenals.

Staff Teams

All Staff teams can shoot as Rifle teams (see page 128 of the rulebook). 

MG Teams 
All MG teams have ROF 2 when Pinned Down. 

HMG and LMG Teams

British Vickers, French 8mm mle 1914, German sMG34 and sMG42, and Polish ckm wz.30 HMG teams all have ROF 3 when moving or Pinned Down. 


French 60mm mle 35 mortars have a minimum range of 8”/20cm when shooting. 

British ML 3” mortars have the characteristics shown below, allowing them to shoot as well as fire bombardments.

French 81mm mle 1927/31, German 8cm GW34, and Polish 81mm wz.31 all have the characteristics shown below for Medium Mortars, allowing them to shoot as well as fire bombardments. 

Breakthrough Guns 

The following weapons now have the Breakthrough Gun special rule (see page 100 of the rulebook). 

British: OQF 4.5” howitzer. 
French: 105 C mle 1935B howitzer, 105 L mle 1913 S gun. 
German: 10cm leFH30(t) howitzer, 10.5cm leFH18 howitzer. 
The 15cm sIG33 auf Panzer I no longer has the Heavy Infantry Gun special rule.

Polish: 100mm wz.14/19 howitzer and 105mm wz.29 gun. 

Gun Shields on Unarmoured Tanks 

The French 

Autocanon de 75mm and German Sd Kfz 10/5 (2cm) have Gun Shields. 

The Autocanon de 75mm no longer has the Stabiliser Jacks special rule. 

British Tanks 
The weapon of the A9 Cruiser Mk I CS should be listed as OQF 3.7” howitzer rather than OQF 3.7” mortar. 

An OP Light Mk VI B tank has the same characteristics as a normal Light Mk VI B tank. 

French Tanks 
25mm SA-34 guns mounted on Lorraine 38L tractors are Tank teams with the characteristics shown in the weapons characteristics table on the previous page. 

French Bunkers 
The HMG Bunkers in Blitzkrieg are Pillboxes. 
All HMG Nests have ROF 3 when Pinned Down. 

German Tanks 
15cm sIG33 auf Panzer I has a mobility rating of Slow Tank. 
Polish Tanks 
7TP dw and 7TP jw tanks have a mobility rating of Standard Tank. 
Taczanka machine-gun wagons are not HMG Carriers. Their machine-guns are hull-rear weapons. 
Taczanka machine-gun wagons, cavalry limbers, and cavalry wagons have a mobility rating of Wagon

Motorcycle Reconnaissance
Replace the Motorcycle Reconnaissance rules with those on pages 196 to 197 of the rulebook). Motorcycle Reconnaissance teams are now unarmoured tanks with the characteristics shown on the previous page. 

Hellfire & Back

Hellfire and Back has a number of updates to bring it in line with the latest release of the rules. These are outlined below.

British Special Rules The Unflappable, Disorderly Conduct, 4 by 2 and No. 8 Wire, War Cry, and North-west Frontier special rules remain unchanged. 

The British Bulldog, Carry On Sergeant, Night Attack, Tally Ho!, Broadside, Tip and Run, One-man Turret, Deck Turret MG, Twelve-gun Battery and Combined Bombardment special rules are replaced with those in the rulebook. 

Replace the Scottish Bagpipes special rule with: When the 2iC Command team uses the Warrior Infantry Team Casualties rule on page 106 of the rulebook, the opponent needs to roll 5+ to Destroy it rather than 4+. If the enemy’s roll is unsuccessful, the piper’s music inspires the surviving team members to keep going. Any hits on the 2iC Command team do not count towards Pinning Down the platoon. 

The Haka special rule loses the requirement for Maori platoons to make Breakthrough Assaults, as there are no Breakthrough Assaults in Version 3. 

Replace the Mixed Battery rule with the Mixed Bombardments rule on page 131 of the rulebook. 

The special rule breaking Armoured Companies into separate platoons on page 114 is replaced with: 
The HQ and Armoured Platoons of an Armoured Company operate as separate platoons, each with their own Platoon Command team. The HQ Platoon is a headquarters in name only. It operates the same as any other platoon and is led by a normal Platoon Command team. 

The Charge! rule on page 113 deleted and no longer applies. 

In the Swanning About the Blue rule on page 120, change ‘a mission with the Defensive Battle special rule’ to ‘a Defensive Battle Mission’. 

The Swanning About the Blue special rule also applies to a Jock Column. British Tank Points 

The points for the Armoured Regiment on pages 112 to 115 change as follows: 

The Regiment HQ points should be: 
4 A9 Cruiser Mk I 320 points 
3 A9 Cruiser Mk I 240 points 
2 A9 Cruiser Mk I 160 points 
• Replace any A9 Cruiser Mk I tank with A10 Cruiser Mk IIA tank for +15 points or A13 Cruiser Mk IVA tank for +20 points per tank. 

The Heavy Cruiser Armoured Company points should be: 

HQ Platoon of: 
2 A10 Cruiser Mk IIA and 2 A10 Cruiser Mk IIA CS 305 points 
1 A10 Cruiser Mk IIA and 2 A10 Cruiser Mk IIA CS 210 points 

with Combat Platoons with A10 Cruiser Mk IIA tanks: 
4 Armoured Platoons +1150 points 
3 Armoured Platoons +860 points 
2 Armoured Platoons +570 points 

The Light Cruiser Armoured Company points should be: 
HQ Platoon of: 
2 A9 Cruiser Mk I and 2 A9 Cruiser Mk I CS 255 points 
1 A9 Cruiser Mk I and 2 A9 Cruiser Mk I CS 175 points 

with Combat Platoons with A9 Cruiser Mk I tanks: 
4 Armoured Platoons +970 points 
3 Armoured Platoons +725 points 
2 Armoured Platoons +480 points

The Light Armoured Company points should be: 

HQ Platoon of: 
4 Light Mk VI B 145 points 
3 Light Mk VI B 110 points 

with Combat Platoons with Light Mk VI B tanks: 
4 Armoured Platoons +440 points 
3 Armoured Platoons +330 points 
2 Armoured Platoons +220 points 

The points for the Crusader Armoured Squadron on pages 116 to 117 change as follows: 
The Crusader Armoured Squadron HQ points should be: 
2 Cruiser Mk VI Crusader and 2 Cruiser Mk VI Crusader CS 455 points 
1 Cruiser Mk VI Crusader and 2 Cruiser Mk VI Crusader CS 335 points 

The Crusader Armoured Platoon points should be: 
3 Cruiser Mk VI Crusader 360 points 

The Heavy Armoured Platoon points should be: 
3 A10 Cruiser Mk IIA 285 points

German Special Rules The Kampfgruppe, Mission Tactics, Storm Troopers, and Mounted Assault special rules are replaced with those in the rulebook. 

Italian Special Rules The Avanti special rule changes to require a successful Motivation Test rather than a successful Skill Test for the platoon to move. 
The Heroism special rule remains unchanged. 

Platoons held in Reserves do not roll on the Eight Million Bayonets Table until they are placed on table. 

Multi-part Platoons 

British and Commonwealth Armoured Companies, Carrier and Scout Platoons, and Field Batteries, Royal Artillery, and German Light and Heavy Panzerspäh Platoons are Multi-part Platoons (see page 259 of the rulebook). As such each platoon, troop, or patrol deploys and operates as a totally separate platoon. 

Staff Teams 
All Staff teams can shoot as Rifle teams (see page 128 of the rulebook). 
MG Teams All MG teams have ROF 2 when Pinned Down. 
HMG and LMG Teams British Vickers, German sMG34 and sMG42, and Italian Mod 37 HMG teams all have ROF 3 when moving or Pinned Down. 
All HMG Nests have ROF 3 when Pinned Down. 

Italian Brixia 45mm mortars do not have a minimum range when shooting (as opposed to firing bombardments). 
British ML 3” and 81/14, German 8cm GW34, and Italian 81/14 mortars have the characteristics shown below, allowing them to shoot as well as fire bombardments. 

Breakthrough Guns 

The following weapons now have the Breakthrough Gun special rule (see page 100 of the rulebook). 
British: OQF 4.5” howitzer. 
German: 10.5cm leFH18 howitzer. 
Italian 100/17 howitzer, and 102/35 and 105/28 guns. 

Gun Shields on Unarmoured Tanks 
The British 2 pdr portee, Bofors 37mm portee, and German Sd Kfz 10/5 (2cm) all have Gun Shields. 

The guns on British Bofors 37mm and 47/32 portees are hull-rear weapons. 


The Italian L3/35 Lanciafiamme flametank has a co-ax MG. 


The Stützpunkt 5cm Nest is a Tobruk Pit. 

Motorcycle Reconnaissance 

Replace the Motorcycle Reconnaissance rules with those on pages 196 to 197 of the rulebook). The Raiders’ Trucks rule remains, so raiding trucks are still mounted singly on a base. Motorcycle Reconnaissance teams are now unarmoured tanks with the characteristics shown previously. Italian motorcycles use the Solo Motorcycles rule on page 197 of the rulebook and have the Awkward Layout special rule.


The following changes are needed in the arsenals.


The German arsenal has a few minor glitches: 
The StuH42 has Smoke. 
A Panzerfaust team has Range 4”/10cm, ROF 1, Anti-tank 12, Firepower 5+, and Tank Assault 6. 

The Soviet arsenal has a minor glitch: 
The 100mm BS-3 gun has the Cat Killer special rule rather than the Volley Fire special rule.


Considering Guns that begin in a Very Difficul Going.

Page 44: No Guns in Very Difficult

Going: Replace “even to rotate on the
spot” with “even to rotate on the spot
(unless mounted on a turntable)”

At the start of the turn if the bogging test is successful...

Page 44: Freeing Bogged Down Teams:
Replace “manages to Free their vehicle or gun”
“manages to Free their vehicle or gun. If they Bogged Down entering Area Terrain, they back out to the edge,ready to enter again or drive off.”

Crash Action

Page 49: Crash Action:

Replace “when it Unlimbers”
“when it Unlimbers or Dismounts adjacent to the vehicle”

Digging in and state of the team

Page 51: Digging In:
 Replace “treated as having moved”
“treated as having moved when shooting, for example”

Page 51: Digging In:

Replace “for any other purpose”
“for any other purpose, including firing artillery bombardments”

Page 60: Leaving the Battlefield:

Replace “Any time that teams”
“ Any time that one or more teams”

Page 61: Mountaineers:

Replace “treat steep hills”
“treat gentle and steep hills”

Page 78: The 6” Rule:

Replace “on the far side of the Area Terrain”
“on the far side of the Area Terrain if the terrain is
taller than both the shooting team and the target”

Page 78: Bocage Hedgerows:

Add “as they are taller than all teams”

Page 86: Concealed by Linear Obstacles:

Replace “across Linear Obstacles”
“across Linear Obstacles that are at least
half as tall as that team or the one looking at it”

Page 88: Concealed by Area Terrain:

Replace “at least half in Area Terrain, but straddling the edge”
“straddling the edge of, but at least half in, Area Terrain
that is at least half as tall as that team or the one looking at it”

Page 90: Gone to Ground: Replace

“assault in their own turn”
“assault in their own turn or conduct anti-aircraft fire in their opponent’s preceding turn”

Page 100: No Saves from Big Guns:

Replace “Gun teams, Passengers, and Unarmoured vehicles ... Bunker Buster”
“Gun teams, Unarmoured vehicles, and all Passenger teams in vehicles hit by
a Breakthrough Gun or a Bunker Buster, automatically fail their Saves”

Page 102: Bailed Out a Second Time:

Replace “the shot has no effect”
“the shot has no additional effect on the tank”

Page 105: Appointing New Commanders:

Replace “(including attached supporting platoons)”
“(including attached supporting platoons, but excluding all Allied platoons)”

Page 110: Sniper’s Hide:

Replace “any Terrain Feature”
“any Terrain Feature (unless Impassable)”

Page 118: Improvised Armour: Replace

“If vehicles with Improvised Armour ... against weapons”
“If a vehicle with Improvised Armour fails an Armour Save
against a weapon”

Page 118: No HE: Replace “Infantry and Gun teams”

“Infantry and Gun teams and Nests”

Page 128: All Guns Repeat!:

“previous turn’s Bombardment”
“original Bombardment”

Page 151: Which Platoons are Defending:

Add “If a Defending Warrior or

Independent team is within 8”/20cm of an Assaulting team and has not Joined a
platoon, it must, if possible, immediately Join a friendly platoon.”

Page 161: Has the Assaulting Platoon Won:

Replace “no enemy teams within”
“no Defending teams within”

Page 161: Has the Assaulting Platoon Won:

Replace “the only enemy teams within”
with “the only Defending teams within”

Page 181: Who Can Shoot:

Replace “Any weapons (other than”
“Any teams that shoot at aircraft (other than with”

Page 184: Original Target Destroyed:

Replace “may select any other”
“must select any other”

Page 198: Flame-throwers:

Replace “any other type of vehicle or team is hit, it is”
“any other type of vehicle or team is hit, it and any Passengers it is carrying, are”

Page 218: Fields of Fire Diagram:

Replace “Nests with no obvious firing slit use...”
“Nests with no obvious firing slit can shoot in any direction.”

Page 226: Burying Bunkers:

“Tank teams fitted”
“Any teams fitted”

Page 234: Entrenchments: Replace

“Fully-tracked and Half-tracked vehicles and troops on foot”
“Fully-tracked vehicles and troops on foot, and Difficult Going for Half-tracked vehicles,”

Pages 238-239: Tank Destroyers: Replace

rules with revised rules.

Page 240: Time On Target:

Replace “Every team hit by a TOT Bombardment”
“Every team hit by a TOT Bombardment (and any Passengers it is carrying)”

Page 241: Stormtroopers:

Replace “cannot make a Stormtroopers move.”
“cannot make a Stormtroopers move, aside from Unlimbering”

Page 245: Schürzen:

Replace “When a tank protected by Schürzen is ... and fails its Armour Save”
“If a tank protected by Schürzen fails an Armour Save against a weapon with a Firepower rating
of 5+ or 6 hitting its Side armour”

Page 246: Night Attack:

Replace “If they do so, … uses the Dawn rules”
“If they do so, their company has the Always Attack special rule (see page 257). If a
player that makes a Night Attack is the attacker, the game starts in Darkness and
uses the Dawn rules”

Page 246: Night Attack:

Delete “When making a Night Attack, the company has the Always Attacks special rule (see
page 257)”

Page 248: Mike Target:

Replace “caught under the bombardment”
“caught under the bombardment (and any Passengers they are carrying)”

Page 260: May Attach Gun Teams:

Replace “You can attach out…”
“You can attach out up to half of the Gun teams, retaining at least two Gun teams
in the HQ Support Platoon.”

Page 260: May Attach Gun Teams:

“Whichever you do, no more than half of the Gun teams, but always at least one gun, may be attached to any one platoon.”

Page 260: Combat Attachments:

“excluding the Platoon Command and Transport teams”
“excluding the Platoon Command team, Observer and other Independent teams, and Transport teams”

Page 260: Combat Attachments: Replace

“the Platoon Command team is removed”
“the Platoon Command team (and the Komissar team if there is one) is removed”

Page 260: Combat Attachments: Replace

“may not Combat Attach more than half its teams”
“may not Combat Attach more than half its teams (again excepting the teams listed above)”

Page 260: Combat Attachments: Insert

before last paragraph
“If the platoon making Combat Attachments has Observer teams or other Independent teams, you must Combat Attach the Independent team with the rest of its section, and the whole section must be Combat Attached to the same platoon together.”

Page 263: Pioneer Supply Vehicles:

“If the Pioneer Supply vehicle is placed from Ambush, the Obstacles must be placed using the Placing Ambushes restrictions on page 266 as if they were teams in the same platoon.”

Page 264: Meeting Engagement: Add

“Players always roll dice to see who attacks and who defends in a Meeting Engagement, even when one of the forces
has the Always Attacks or Always Defends special rule.”

Page 266: Placing Ambushes: Replace

“Heavy and Immobile Gun teams”
“Heavy and Immobile Gun teams (whether Limbered or Unlimbered)”

Page 266: Placing Ambushes: Replace

“placed in Ambush closer than 16”/40cm to”
“placed in Ambush within 16”/40cm of”

Page 270: Summary: Replace “the

defender removes an Objective that they placed”
“the defender removes an Objective that the attacker placed”

Page 276: Deciding Who Won: Replace

“Fair Fight”
“There are No Draws”

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