Saturday, June 28, 2014

My first text here. German Reinforcements ready!

Hi all!

My first text here and I want to thank Mikko H for inviting me in. And specially I want to thank you dear readers for reading!

First something about me. I'm more of a slow painter, furious gamer. I like when my units look a bit better than just dipped into a can of paint. I've never used an airbrush and I doubt I never will, I like more of the close touch and the control of the brush. So don't expect some fancy airbrushed models :)

Enough of me and on to my first showcase.

Decided to show you my third Tiger I E that I've painted. With this one I wanted something different from the earlier ones so no mudguards and more of a rag-a-tag look.

I basecoated the tank black and after that gave it a few light coats of Middlestone. Second camocolor I used is Beige Brown and I did it with an old medium sized drybrush. Tracks, tools, cables and jack were first being painted with Light Grey and then washed over with Nuln Oil. Red oxide was done by mixing 2 parts Red Gore and 1 part Dark Brown and being washed over again with Nuln Oil.

And here are the pictures:


As you may notice I haven't done any mud or dust as I'm not sure yet what kind of mud or dust should I do. My older Tigers have just some drybrushed Dark Brown and Beige Brown but I may want something new for this one.

But heres all for now. Thank you for reading ladies and getlemen!

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